Tuesday, November 27, 2007


below is an oustanding video made by a huckabee supporter. it addresses america's need to rediscover and redefine the boundry markers that it was founded upon. it exhorts us to "be the somebody" and "do the something" to make a difference.

"but be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves." james 1:22

christians for mike huckabee

Sunday, November 25, 2007

New Huckabee Ad: "BELIEVE"

below is governor huckabee's new tv ad, "believe."

yes, governor huckabee believes some things....these are the same things the social conservative, values based, evangelical christian believes, as well. indeed, governor huckabee comes from us. and yes....WE BELIEVE!!!

"now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." hebrews 11:1

mike huckabee

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

YES! THE NOV 20th GOAL WAS MET!!!!!!!!!!

we did it!!!!!!!!! check that....GOD DID IT!!!!!!!!!!

yes!!! governor huckabee met his november 20th goal!! yipeeee!!! thanks go out to all the huckabee supporters who gave, spread the word, and prayed, prayed, prayed!!! God was so gracious and faithful, and took our gifts of $10, $20, or whatever we could give....and multiplied it to reach our goal!!!

praise goes to God........and a big high five, to all of you, too!!! ;)

for those interested in governor huckabee's daily fundraising progress, here's a link to an interactive timeline, showing governor huckabee's fundraising totals in real time.

let's continue to spread the word... continue to give as we can... and continue to PRAY, PRAY, PRAY!!!!

onward christians!!!!

"happy is he who has the God of jacob for his help, whose hope is in the Lord his God." psalm 146:5

Tuesday, November 20, 2007



TODAY, is the day to give to governor mike huckabee's campaign. the campaign has set an online goal of $1,034,487 by midnight 1/20/07.

LET'S JOIN TOGETHER AND MAKE A DIFFERENCE.....let's help equip governor huckabee to lead america back to VALUES, INTEGRITY, FAITH and HONOR. let's help take america, back to basics.

below, is a great video to help kick-off today's fundraising effort. watch and enjoy!!


"i planted, apollos watered, but God gave the increase. so then neither he who plants is anything, nor he who waters, but God who gives the increase." 1 corinthians 3:6-7

Sunday, November 18, 2007


this is a great ad. it showcases governor huckabee's humor, creativity, and '1-2 punch support', from none other than....CHUCK NORRIS!!!

send this to friends and family...it's not politics...IT'S CHUCK NORRIS, folks!!!! :)

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Endorsements: "Convictions vs. SELF Interest"

dear friends,

boy, what a week of endorsements (and non-endorsements) it has been. sadly, it seems apparent, that behind the scenes 'strategic political positioning' and 'power and politics' are, indeed, alive and well in the world of washington and the media. how very very sad and disturbing. yet, based on what i've seen thus far, not surprising.

as a follow up to my last post, i have a question i wanted to address, regarding the endorsements by well known christian leaders, "WHY ARE THEY WAITING? WHAT ARE THEY WAITING FOR?" i've heard on more than one occasion, the following responses, "we're going to wait and see what happens,"... "see how things shake down, "... "wait to see who the front runners are, and go from there,".....but my response to that is.........."WHY??"

if, in fact, the basic premise of the christian is, I WILL VOTE MY VALUES AND PRINCIPLES (of which, i hold most dear.) then, what does 'how things shake down', or 'waiting to see what happens', or 'let's see who's in the general election, then i'll make my decision', have anything to do with it? that is a contradiction!

essentially, it sounds like hedging one's bets. it sounds as if they are trying to 'protect and insulate' themselves. these leaders are willing to endorse a candidate...assuming, that candidate has a good chance of winning. they want to choose a 'winner'. they want to be on the 'winning team'. but what does that say about that leader? what does that say about their convictions, principles and values?

in my opinion, it doesn't sound like values, principles or convictions are motivating the decision. rather, it sounds like personal reputation, personal credibility, personal relevancy and SELF are taking center stage. how very very sad.

one thing to note: for those in positions of influence and leadership...welcomed or not, along with the position of prominence and leadership, along with the blessings of success and influence, comes responsibility.

in webster's, the word "leader" is defined as follows: to show the way, as by going before; to direct as by going before; one that leads; guiding head. it would appear, that a 'leader', goes BEFORE...the troops... NOT waiting to see how things pan out. they are ahead of the pack guiding...they initiate.

i believe this applies to christians in public leadership positions, as well as to, "us", the rank and file christians. each of us has our own scope of influence around us. great or small, each of us can impact those around us. each of us, has a responsibility to live out our faith and our convictions in our choices and actions.

for those christian leaders and rank and file evangelicals, that are taking a stand and supporting governor huckabee now....today... i say, "bravo!". it takes courage, it takes integrity, it takes making a 'conscious decision' to ACT upon one's values and principles....not just to talk about them...not to just wait and see.

christians, our values and principles today, are the same as they will be tomorrow or next year. we believe in what we believe in, period. it's non-negotiable. unfortunately, next year or next election, we may not have the opportunity to support a candidate, like mike huckabee for president. waiting to see, and not acting today, we may lose this opportunity to elect a man that has integrity, character and competency. beyond that, mike huckabee has the humility and meekness to understand his need for God, and his sense of responsibility to the american people.

i just received something in the mail today from the family research council. it's motto, "defending faith, family and freedom in america." frankly, the actions (and lack thereof) that i've seen in the last several months by this organization and it's leaders, (and others like it)...i say..."no, thank you." i would prefer NOT having this pac 'defending my family, faith and freedom'.

on the contrary, i would much rather align myself with like-minded, grassroots christians, that are personally committed to faith, family and freedom, IN ACTION.....NOT just on their letterhead or their mission or their motto.

sadly, it appears those that are in positions of influence are, themselves... BEING INFLUENCED by position, politics and power.

so whether the high profile christian leaders choose to endorse governor huckabee or not. i am perfectly content and honored to identify with leaders like alcorn, norris, wildmon, folger, graham and fellow rank and file christians alike. for these are the people that understand full well...who they are supporting and why. they have chosen to take a stand. they have chosen to act on their convictions. i greatly admire these people. they give me hope and encouragement. they inspire and motivate me.

to all you christians, that are taking a stand for what you believe in...for your values... for your faith... for your convictions... for what you feel is right...to you also... i say, "thank you, and i am honored to stand along side you."

blessings to you, for we serve a mighty God!

"give unto the Lord the glory due to His name; worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness." psalm 29:2

christians for mike huckabee

Friday, November 9, 2007

Don Wildmon & Randy Alcorn Take a Stand!


good news to report!! i'm sure you may have heard that don wildmon (founder and chairman of American Family Association) has officially endorsed governor huckabee.

The Rev. Dr. Donald E. Wildmon, founder and chairman of the American Family Association, has given his personal endorsement to the former Southern Baptist preacher.

“I think he shares our values,” Wildmon said, according to OneNewsNow, which is operated by the American Family News Network.

“Will we agree with Governor Huckabee on 100 percent of items? No, we will not,” the ordained United Methodist pastor admitted.

“But when you take the whole ball of wax, I think Governor Huckabee is the person we need,” he added. “I think he has the skills to bring us together. I think he has the leadership and the vision, and I think he can take the country to that place where we need to be desperately at this point in our history.”

A growing number of Americans are agreeing with Wildmon or at least considering a similar view of the former Arkansas governor.

this is fantastic news not only for governor huckabee, but also for the rank and file evangelical christians. many christians have been waiting, yearning and praying.. for a christian leader to step out, and take a stand on behalf of values and principles vs. politics and power. go, mr. wildmon!

another recent endorsement for governor huckabee, is by well known christian author, Randy Alcorn. at his blog, mr. alcorn recounts his past experiences with politics, and explains why he has chosen to support governor huckabee. here are few excerpts:

And, frankly, six months ago if you’d asked if I’d be endorsing a presidential candidate I would probably have said “no way,” because I couldn’t envision a candidate I would actually trust. However, God has called us to be good stewards of our opportunities, and to be His representatives in every area. And, contrary to my expectations, there actually is a candidate that I, a political skeptic, believe to be a man of integrity, wisdom, winsomeness, faith and yes, even eternal perspective.

In my opinion, Huckabee doesn’t just know the words; he knows the music. You can see the authenticity in him. I heard him say, “I do not spell G-O-D G.O.P.” That means he’s a follower of Christ before he’s a follower of the Republican party. He’s not overbearing in his spiritual beliefs, but he never apologizes for them. He’s humble and self-effacing. He’s not in your face, yet he’s firm in conviction. I actually think this guy says what he believes and believes what he says. And I have to say, I don’t think that about most politicians.He says some things that are unpopular and will lose him votes and he says them anyway—I love the courage that reflects.

I appreciate Huckabee’s wit, sincerity, intelligence and wisdom. In his interviews, I like that he’s self-deprecating. He’s not an angry conservative. He’s winsome. And I get the feeling he’s not conservative to be conservative. I think he doesn’t care how he looks as much as whether he’s right— how he stands before God first, and people second. And he doesn’t just mouth the words “I’m prolife,” then fail to take measures to defend the unborn from destruction, as many nominally prolife politicians do.

I don’t agree with everything Huckabee says. And I’m sure he’s not the perfect candidate. No one is. But from what I’ve seen, I think he’s head and shoulders above the alternatives in any party. Call it subjective, since I’ve never met him, but I trust him. And I can’t support and recommend people I don’t trust.While I would hate to be a politician, I have always thanked God for men and women who are called to that. So I thank God for Mike Huckabee. And especially when he labors to speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, I feel like the least I can do is support him.

well said, mr. alcorn! this is so encouraging! christian leaders are beginning to take a stand.

yet, as i sit and watch, i think am beginning to see somewhat of a trend or pattern, in the endorsements. it appears to me, that the "political, business minded, win-at-all-costs, power-type" leaders (weyrich, jones, demoss) are choosing romney. these men have a relationship with romney either via business or politically. they have vested interests in the nomination. it's about pragmatics, politics and power.

on the other side, the "conservative, traditional, grassroots, bible based, principle-based leaders are choosing huckabee; (norris, scarborough, wildmon, alcorn). with them, it's about principles, values, competency and trusting in God. it's not about "who can win or who is electable", but rather, who has character, integrity, trustworthiness, consistency and competency. who do we trust to lead this country? most of these endorsements, come from men that have personally researched the candidates, watched, listened and studied. they have no business or political relationships to gain. their choice to endorse governor huckabee is an educated one. it is NOT one based on politics, business or power.

additionally, i see a trend , specifically, amongst huckabee supporters. many of those in leadership and those in the evangelical community (myself, included) who support governor huckabee, were previously NEVER involved or interested in politics or politcal candidates...until now...until mike huckabee. governor huckabee and his campaign for the presidency are causing and compelling many previously apathetic and disinterested christians....who were previously content to remain silent and on the sidelines... to become involved, to become fired up, to take a stand, to support...to take action on behalf of governor huckabee. this is significant.

ultimately, despite who christian leaders decide to endorse, the endorsement is only as relevant as the leader, himself, is relevant. (which, by the way, is quickly becoming an issue for many of those in christian leadership.)

it really boils down to the people...the voters...the rank and file. like i've heard governor huckabee say regarding the endorsements.....(paraphrased) "the leaders are just one vote. i'd rather have the followers, than the leaders." i say, "amen!!"

we, my friends, are the followers, we are the 'rank and file'.... we are the thousands and millions, to their handful of hundreds. WE are the ones that will nominate and elect the next president of the united states, NOT the christian leadership.

don't get me wrong, endorsements are wonderful, and can speak volumes and can translate into money and support, for the candidates. but christians, let us be careful to scrutinize not only the candidates themselves, but those who are endorsing them, as well. "...by their fruit, you will know them..."

below, is another short excerpt from the article on don wildmon's endorsement of governor huckabee...

According to a survey of the National Association of Evangelicals’ 100 board members in October, Huckabee was the “clear first choice,” reported the NAE president Leith Anderson.

However, Anderson noted evangelicals are still concern on Huckabee’s ranking in polls.
“If he does well in the Iowa caucuses or early primaries then Evangelicals may suddenly rally to his support,” the NAE head predicted

entire article can be found here.

friends, here is another example of leadership hedging their bets. despite, their heartfelt and initial convictions, they are waiting to "see" how things pan out first, before offering their support. friends, let NOT be as these leaders. instead, let us be people, that pray, act and vote on our convictions and values FIRST and trust God for the rest. let us NOT get caught up in the political power game.

hopefully, i pray, the endorsements from leaders like wildmon, alcorn and norris, will encourage and embolden other leaders, and rank and file christians alike... to research, to pray, and to take a stand on behalf of values and convictions OVER politics and power.

thank you, mr. wildmon, mr. alcorn, mr. norris, mr.scarborough and all the others, that have taken a stand. not only have you strengthened governor huckabee's campaign, but you have strengthened and encouraged, "us", the rank and file christians watching, as well. for that, we say, "thank you."

may we walk in a manner worthy of our calling, in Christ Jesus...

by His grace alone,

"...work out your own salvation with fear and trembling; for it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure." philippians 2:12b-13

christians for huckabee

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Pro-Family Leaders Selling Out Pro-Family Values...

friends, "christian leadership, and their endorsements"...what is going on?!

if christian leaders continue to endorse and support what is 'popular, pragmatic, political and expedient', at the expense of principles and values. they will , indeed, find...that they are damaging the pro-family movement, which they claim to value and represent....with their very own hands. additionally, these leaders will to continue to lose relevancy, credibility and respect from the christian community and their grassroots constituency.

below is an interesting article by randy thomasson of 'campaign for children and families'. in it, mr. thomasson articulates what is happening amongst pro-family leaders and the compromise involved, when endorsing candidates like rudy guiliani and mitt romney.

America's Pro-Family Leaders Selling Out Pro-Family Values: Latest Hypocrisy is Pat Robertson's Endorsement of Giuliani

Thomasson: "Pat Robertson is casting a blind eye to Rudy Giuliani's big-time advocacy of the transsexual, bisexual, and homosexual agenda"

Campaign for Children and Families does not support or oppose candidates for public office, and provides the following information solely for educational purposes.

SACRAMENTO, Nov. 7 /Standard Newswire/ -- Campaign for Children and Families (CCF), a leading West Coast pro-family organization, condemns the selling out of family values in the U.S. presidential race by national pro-family leaders, such as Pat Robertson, who today endorsed liberal Republican candidate Rudy Giuliani.

"Pat Robertson is leading pro-family voters astray by abandoning moral standards for government," said CCF President Randy Thomasson. "This shocking news is a 180-degree turn by the founder of the Christian Coalition. Pat Robertson is casting a blind eye to Rudy Giuliani's big-time advocacy of the transsexual, bisexual, and homosexual agenda -- an intolerant agenda that harms children, religious freedom, parental rights, the institution of marriage, and the Boy Scouts."

It's well known in New York City that former mayor Rudy Giuliani marched in "lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender" parades, held "lesbian and gay pride breakfasts" at Gracie Mansion, dressed up several times as a woman, led the hijacking of marriage rights at New York City Hall, and personally demeaned marriage by divorcing his first two wives and committing adultery.

Giuliani's homosexual agenda record: www.stonewallvets.org/RudyGiuliani.htm
Giuliani's cross-dressing videos: 1997: www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lb2y1IM17sM 2000: www.youtube.com/watch?v=4IrE6FMpai8

"Pro-family voters in California were fooled by a liberal Republican named Arnold Schwarzenegger, and he's rewarded them by signing a raft of anti-family laws," said Thomasson. "Will Giuliani do the same if he becomes president?" (See www.savecalifornia.com/getactive/arnoldsrecord.php)

Other national pro-family leaders have endorsed former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney, despite Romney's consistent support for most of the homosexual-bisexual-transsexual agenda, including advocating for homosexual scoutmasters. (See www.massresistance.org/docs/marriage/romney/recor d/)

"It's scandalous how some of America's pro-family leaders have abandoned pro-family voting standards," said Thomasson. "If the pro-family community throws away its values, the pro-family community stands for nothing. And if pro-family voters are willing to get behind any popular Republican, no matter how liberal, would they support Hillary Clinton if she became a Republican? Or would the family values of pro-family leaders suddenly reappear? On moral values, Clinton and Giuliani are nearly identical."

christians, we must look and listen carefully.... we cannot rely on christian leadership to guide the way. WE must discern the wolves from the sheep....and that includes the leadership, as well.

blessings to you....

"behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves. therefore be wise as serpents and harmless as doves." matthew 10:16

Guest Blogger!!

hey friends,

today, we are excited to have a guest blogger, the 'rally penguin', visiting christians for huckabee mobilize blog. the rally penguin has some candid thoughts to share regarding today's news of sam brownback endorsing john mccain, and pat robertson endorsing rudy guiliani. take it away, rp!

MANCHESTER, N.H. (AP) - Former Republican presidential candidate Sam Brownback is throwing his support behind John McCain. GOP officials say the conservative Kansas senator will endorse his Senate colleague later today. The endorsement comes as a boost to McCain, especially in Iowa, where he has been trailing in polls.

This story just makes me laugh!!! How in the world can this endorsement come as a boost to McCain, when Brownback's numbers were what, one percent? Yeah, big boost there!! I think Brownback must've told McCain, "Hey, I'll endorse you if you consider me for VP" -- it's the game of politics, friends!

And Pat Robertson's endorsement of Rudy Giuliani?!?!? HA!!!!!!!!!! For the most part, Robertson is seen as a "nut" in many evangelical circles, so this may not be that big of a deal. Plus now good ol' Pat will have to answer to many of his supporters, who are gonna wonder how he could endorse a pro-homosexual, anti-life candidate!

Huck, don't lose heart -- we're still behind you!!!

The Rally Penguin

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Christians: Involved BECAUSE of our Convictions..

archive repost...

friends, below is an archive post from august. i wanted to repost it, for those that have not read this before...but more importantly, to remind us all ....why we're involved and supporting governor huckabee for the presidency....BECAUSE OF OUR CONVICTIONS...

below are excerpts from an interview with govenor mike huckabee regarding the evangelical christians' involvement in the presidential election and political process. govenor huckabee eloquently and passionately articulates the issues at hand. (emphasis mine)

"If Christian Evangelicals and the leaders within that community don't give support to a person who is one of them. Who's not coming to them.. but is coming from them. Then it will have a chilling effect on future Evangelicals wanting to run for office.

They're gonna say, "You know what? If I can't get the support of my own family, of the people who are most like me, people who have in essence mentored and encouraged me, then maybe, for whatever reasons they are looking elsewhere"... means that we've now come to a place where we've lost any real sense of the Evangelical Leader having a role.

If the NRA, for example says well this time, 'We don't care about your position on guns, it's really all about your position on global warming.' Then the NRA has just lost it's leverage. If Greenpeace says, 'We don't care about your positon on the environment all we care about is your position on guns', they've lost their leverage on their issue.

If the Evangelical Comminity doesn't hold our feet to the fire as canidates, about our own personal character as well as our stand and our record on issues like the sacntity of human life and the role of traditional marriage, then you know what? We've lost our leverage. We're another political special interest group like the Republican Women of any county USA. And have lost any real impact in helping to shape the debate and move the election.

I would hate to see that happen. Because many of us have become involved in and embroiled in the political world BECAUSE of our convictions, BECAUSE we believe things.

What a shame if we lose that. What a shame if all the years in which people have worked to try to make sure that we could influence the position of our government toward the innocent human life that is now taken at will.

If we lose that, it's not about losing elections, we've lost really our soul, our integrity and our purpose for being involved."


christians, it's time to step out.... it's time to get involved.

"fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God I will strenghten you, yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." isaiah 41:10

christians for mike huckabee