Sunday, November 11, 2007

Endorsements: "Convictions vs. SELF Interest"

dear friends,

boy, what a week of endorsements (and non-endorsements) it has been. sadly, it seems apparent, that behind the scenes 'strategic political positioning' and 'power and politics' are, indeed, alive and well in the world of washington and the media. how very very sad and disturbing. yet, based on what i've seen thus far, not surprising.

as a follow up to my last post, i have a question i wanted to address, regarding the endorsements by well known christian leaders, "WHY ARE THEY WAITING? WHAT ARE THEY WAITING FOR?" i've heard on more than one occasion, the following responses, "we're going to wait and see what happens,"... "see how things shake down, "... "wait to see who the front runners are, and go from there,".....but my response to that is.........."WHY??"

if, in fact, the basic premise of the christian is, I WILL VOTE MY VALUES AND PRINCIPLES (of which, i hold most dear.) then, what does 'how things shake down', or 'waiting to see what happens', or 'let's see who's in the general election, then i'll make my decision', have anything to do with it? that is a contradiction!

essentially, it sounds like hedging one's bets. it sounds as if they are trying to 'protect and insulate' themselves. these leaders are willing to endorse a candidate...assuming, that candidate has a good chance of winning. they want to choose a 'winner'. they want to be on the 'winning team'. but what does that say about that leader? what does that say about their convictions, principles and values?

in my opinion, it doesn't sound like values, principles or convictions are motivating the decision. rather, it sounds like personal reputation, personal credibility, personal relevancy and SELF are taking center stage. how very very sad.

one thing to note: for those in positions of influence and leadership...welcomed or not, along with the position of prominence and leadership, along with the blessings of success and influence, comes responsibility.

in webster's, the word "leader" is defined as follows: to show the way, as by going before; to direct as by going before; one that leads; guiding head. it would appear, that a 'leader', goes BEFORE...the troops... NOT waiting to see how things pan out. they are ahead of the pack guiding...they initiate.

i believe this applies to christians in public leadership positions, as well as to, "us", the rank and file christians. each of us has our own scope of influence around us. great or small, each of us can impact those around us. each of us, has a responsibility to live out our faith and our convictions in our choices and actions.

for those christian leaders and rank and file evangelicals, that are taking a stand and supporting governor huckabee i say, "bravo!". it takes courage, it takes integrity, it takes making a 'conscious decision' to ACT upon one's values and principles....not just to talk about them...not to just wait and see.

christians, our values and principles today, are the same as they will be tomorrow or next year. we believe in what we believe in, period. it's non-negotiable. unfortunately, next year or next election, we may not have the opportunity to support a candidate, like mike huckabee for president. waiting to see, and not acting today, we may lose this opportunity to elect a man that has integrity, character and competency. beyond that, mike huckabee has the humility and meekness to understand his need for God, and his sense of responsibility to the american people.

i just received something in the mail today from the family research council. it's motto, "defending faith, family and freedom in america." frankly, the actions (and lack thereof) that i've seen in the last several months by this organization and it's leaders, (and others like it)...i say..."no, thank you." i would prefer NOT having this pac 'defending my family, faith and freedom'.

on the contrary, i would much rather align myself with like-minded, grassroots christians, that are personally committed to faith, family and freedom, IN ACTION.....NOT just on their letterhead or their mission or their motto.

sadly, it appears those that are in positions of influence are, themselves... BEING INFLUENCED by position, politics and power.

so whether the high profile christian leaders choose to endorse governor huckabee or not. i am perfectly content and honored to identify with leaders like alcorn, norris, wildmon, folger, graham and fellow rank and file christians alike. for these are the people that understand full well...who they are supporting and why. they have chosen to take a stand. they have chosen to act on their convictions. i greatly admire these people. they give me hope and encouragement. they inspire and motivate me.

to all you christians, that are taking a stand for what you believe in...for your values... for your faith... for your convictions... for what you feel is you also... i say, "thank you, and i am honored to stand along side you."

blessings to you, for we serve a mighty God!

"give unto the Lord the glory due to His name; worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness." psalm 29:2

christians for mike huckabee

1 comment:

Unknown said...


First of all I'd like to say thank you for running a pro-Huckabee blog. It is thanks to the efforts of dedicated citizens like you that Mr. Huckabee has been rising rapidly in the polls.

The reason I am writing you is to inform you of my own effort. I have created a website,, challenging every Huckabee supporter to give $100 or more on November 20th (Children's Day). Check it out and then, if it is not too much trouble, would you do a shot writeup about the effort and post it on your blog? Be sure to link to and together we can make a big impact on this date.

If you have any questions/concerns, please email me at

Thank you for your time and efforts,
Thaddeus Billman

P.S. There are also some banners ads to support this effort at in case you want to place a graphical link to the site.