Monday, December 10, 2007

A DOUBLE STANDARD: "Where is the tolerance FOR CHRISTIANS??"

dear friends,

recently, i read an interesting article by matt lewis at's blog regarding the DOUBLE STANDARD that is being applied to religion in politics. here are a few excerpts:

"... I'm noticing a disturbing trend emerging in politics. While Mitt Romney's Mormonism is politically unassailable, Mike Huckabee is beginning to be portrayed as a "kook" -- for referencing his faith.

Specifically, some pundits disapprove of
Huckabee's inference to a student that his surge in the polls was due to prayer.

In any event, let's not have a double-standard. If criticizing Romney's religion is off-the-table, then Huckabee's faith should also be off-the-table."

the entire article can be found here.

this article caused me to think more about the issues of "double standards" in regards to religion...specifically, christianity and in this case, governor mike huckabee.

this past week, mitt romney made a highly publicized and touted speech, "faith in america". romney's speech was a political attempt to shift focus and decry bigotry towards his mormon faith. romney exhorted americans to tolerance, liberty and understanding. many in the media were quick to agree, with accolades and warm 'bravos' and "amens".

it seemed most people (especially the media) agreed. romney had a point, a good point. basically, don't bother or badger romney about his mormon faith. it is OFF LIMITS. it would be deemed bigotry. it is unseemly (very "un-american"), unfair and intolerant. end of story.

that being fast forward to mike huckabee's campaign. on a daily basis, governor huckabee is CONSTANTLY, INCESSANTLY, REPEATEDLY and EXCESSIVELY being asked specific detailed questions about his faith, his theology, his personal views on specific biblical precepts. for instance, "if being a christian and a pastor would effect his ability to be president?" "would his christian beliefs effect or influence how he governs?"does he think God has divine providence for Him to be president?" "does he think so-and-so will go to heaven?", "does he believe the bible? every word of it?" goes on and on and on and on....

not only do the media feel it is permissible, but they seem to act as if they have the "right" to ask these questions. they almost appear to be on a mission. seemingly, like a mandate to "find out these things" on behalf of the american people. journalistic responsibility and excellence!

we all know, they ask these questions, not because they "truly want to know or to understand" the issues. it is simply an attempt to stir up controversy, acquire ammunition and fodder for the next few news stories. or alternatively, they do so in an effort to strengthen the position on behalf of an opposing candidate they favor.

now...if, for some reason, governor huckabee refused to answer the "christian questions"...if he were to scoff at them, or attempt to avoid them altogether... the media will immediately call, "foul!!" and accuse governor huckabee of being evasive and not forthright...somehow untrustworthy.."un-christian".

indeed, friends..clearly, THIS IS A DOUBLE STANDARD.

and this double standard manifests itself in the everyday lives of the christian. this is not new news. friends, what governor huckabee is currently going through with the media, is what christians all over the world experience. unfortunately, governor huckabee has to endure it primetime, on national television.

why is it re: issues like mormonism, homosexuality, muslims and abortion, christians are constantly being admonished to be tolerant.

yet, when the topic shifts to anything regarding christianity or Jesus Christ, the rules change radically. if a christian asserts their rights, immediately they are attacked, hounded and condemned by the media. immediately there is an outcry of 'separation of church and state!', 'fundamentalist christians!', 'social conservatives!'

conversely, if a mormon, homosexual, muslim or pro-choice person feels their rights have been somehow violated. if they feel they have not been treated fairly. this becomes a media story of intolerance, bigotry, prejudice. we are immediately called upon and admonished to be "tolerant" understand differences and embrace them. don't judge. they cry, "who are YOU to say something is wrong.. we all have our own standards...everybody just do your own thing, and we'll live happily together in our diversity." nice thought, BUT.....

friends, if there is no standard...there is no place from which to measure right and wrong. if the standards move...the entire society moves. we see it happening today, before our very eyes. the standards are randomly being moved...and our society is moving....and folks, most americans would agree, it is NOT in a good direction.

with no standards, there is no moral code. everybody just "does what they feel is right to them." which is highly subjective. inevitably, anarchy ensues. and we, as christians, are all to stand by and simply be "tolerant."

indeed, this is an ongoing spiritual issue that is being played out over and over now, in schools, government etc....examples such as christian children in public schools, being denied an after school bible study on campus. yet, muslim children are afforded one hour of 'school time' with supervisors and special speakers to practice their muslim religion. reading of the koran and learning about the muslim religion is mandatory curriculum. however, reading from the Bible is prohibited. (separation of church and state, you know...) opening government sessions with prayer is now become controversial and even prohibited in some instances. yet, having a muslim or buddhist to open a session is not only okay, but applauded as exhibiting understanding and tolerance of other religions. yes, folks there is clearly a double standard, here.

now, here we have an unapologetic evangelical christian like mike huckabee running for the president of united states. it is abundantly clear, that governor huckabee is also on the receiving end of this same double standard. governor huckabee, is currently leading the pack and the polls. he is proving to be a viable contender to win the nomination. the reality of this threat, gives occasion for many to go on the attack. the wolves are coming out in force. in many ways, governor huckabee's campaign and his bid for the presidency is a microcosm of what is happening all over america to many christians. it seems more frequently, christians' rights are being violated, in the name of 'tolerance' for others. indeed, it seems clear, we are in the last days. (maranatha!)

but, for those that are constantly calling for christians to be "tolerant".....where is the "tolerance from the tolerant??" where is the tolerance for christians and what we value??"

friends, we are all different and diverse, we all have preferences. and we live in a country that affords us many glorious freedoms. however, we cannot allow these freedoms to come back to bite us. with too much rope, we can surely hang ourselves. we must have a standard. we must have a moral code by which to live. and no man, in his finite capacity can determine what the balance and standard should be. we need to look to Whom our founding father's looked and depended. we need to go back to what our country was founded upon, and by which it flourished. we need to get back to God and the Bible. we need to refocus and recalibrate. we need to find our bearings again.

although, many cry "tolerance!" on the contrary, i believe as a country, we should be crying , "dependence!" .... dependence upon God.

as governor huckabee continues his bid for the white house, he will surely endure more unfair attacks, accusations, questions and unfair reporting. indeed, the double standard will continue.

friends, we need to PRAY FOR GOVERNOR HUCKABEE. we need to pray for our country. we need to pray for the christians across america. we are blessed to have freedoms in america that others around the world do not enjoy. we have the luxury of democracy and the freedom of religion. we must continue to pray, and work to maintain these freedoms, lest we become like others around the world that have lost that liberty and suffer and are peresecuted for their faith in Jesus Christ.

christians, this double standard issue is much larger thing than just governor huckabee and the presidential race. it is rampant throughout the country and the world. as christians, we must do what we can practically, to help secure and maintain our christian religious freedoms. in many ways, christians are now the underdogs. we are now the one's that must fight for our rights, liberties and freedoms. it has come to a time, that we can no longer take these religious liberties for granted. it now requires greater involvement and commitment on behalf of the christian. we must stand up and fight for what we believe. like governor huckabee said in his speech in washington d.c. "we believe in some things.. we live and die by these things...we won't sacrifice our principles for anybody's politics."

christians, it is time to mobilize and get involved. it is time to assert ourseslves, and let our voices be heard.

because our God is so faithful,

"be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go." joshua 1:9

christians for mike huckabee

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