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A grassroots attempt to encourage Christians to take action and mobilize in the support of Govenor Mike Huckabee for President.
**make phone calls** for governor huckabee in upcoming primary states! this made a huge difference in kansas, there's nothing like the power of the personal touch. as stated below, by joining the rangers, you can get involved in the grassroots efforts of the huckabee campaign. phone calls are a great way to make an impact, without even leaving your home! don't be intimidated! there is a script, all you have to do is dial and read!!! check it out, join the rangers, and start calling and helping governor huckabee, here!!!!
**sign** a petition to urge a debate between governor huckabee and senator mccain. so far, there are 10,000 signatures and counting. join fellow americans that want to "hear and see" the candidates side by side, and then decide for themselves. go here to sign.
**become a huckabee ranger** join governor huckabee's grassroots group of "RANGERS." you can help make phone calls, download literature & fliers, help spread the word, and raise funds... all from your own hometown! join the grassroots wave for governor huckabee. this is a chance to change america, and let our voices be heard!! go HERE to learn more!
**share** the values voters pledge with churches, friends and family. to join fellow values voters across america in signing and pledging your vote for a candidate that is committed to life, family and faith go here! VALUES VOTERS, UNITE!!!!!
**share** reality alert's election forum recommendations. go to election forum's website. this is a website that analyzes presidential candidates and issues from a christian perspective. after extensive research, mr. huey of reality alert, has now officially endorsed governor huckabee as the best candidate to represent the christian voter. they also have a newsletter and voter's guide that you can share with churches, friends, and family. this is a great resource!! go check it out, here.
**vote** for articles at real clear politics website. go and vote for articles that support governor huckabee. articles with the most votes get featured on the front page of the website. go here, and help bring some truth and positive media attention to governor huckabee.
**join** huckabee's grassroots forum!! a place to discuss, strategize and mobilize huckabee grassroots efforts. great action opportunities!! come join the fun and visit huck's army!! here.
**join/attend/start** a MEETUP GROUP in your local area! get together with fellow huckabee supporters and make an impact in your community! it's grassroots at it's best! here
**buy & display** mike huckabee bumpers stickers and signs! available at cafe express here. or from a huckabee supporter at a lower price for a limited time, here.
**share & circulate** the HSLDA PAC endorsement letter for governor huckabee. the letter can be found here. the hslda pac sent out this letter endorsing governor huckabee back in june '07. however, many homeschoolers don't recall it, and much time has passed. share and circulate this with friends, family and your local homeschooling group and communities. also, there is a discussion at huck's forum re: more details, here.
**mobilize** HOMESCHOOLERS!! spread the word about governor huckabee within your homeschool groups and your state. go here, to join a discussion and share ideas to help mobilize homeschoolers for huckabee!!
**share** with family & friends about governor huckabee. word of mouth can be one of the most powerful ways to spread the word about governor huckabee. a 6 1/2 minute video, "the best of mike huckabee" is available to view and burn here. share it with family, friends, and fellow church goers.
**donate & pray** govenor huckabee is surging in the polls. but he needs additional resources and our prayers to help keep him moving and growing.... please give as you are able and feel led, and PLEASE PRAY PRAY PRAY. to check the ongoing progress of the fundraising efforts, go here. to see it in real time.
**pray** for governor huckabee's health and stamina. the campaign trail schedule is grueling, and governor huckabee is very tired. pray God will sustain him, triple his sleep and guide him despite his weariness.
**contact** members of the Arlington Group requesting their consideration and support of governor huckabee. contact information here.
**contact** Debbie Streets at Care Net: this ministry is one of the largest and most conservative organizations that assists and supports unwed mothers. it is an umbrella group that supports the greatest majority of crisis preganancy centers across the united states.
respectfully, share with ms. streets re: governor huckabee, and ask for her consideration and support. you can contact ms. streets at
for a sample letter, go here.
** write/contact** CHRISTIAN LEADERSHIP AND MEDIA regarding the pending threat of the christian base abandoning christian leadership and their organizations. (expressing serious concern re: leadership's misrepresentation of values voters, and their abandonment of principles.) sample letter here. contact information here. FRC tel # 888-372-2284.
**circulate & distribute** 501(c)3 document, "GUIDELINES for POLITICAL ACTIVITIES by CHURCHES and PASTORS" to local pastors and churches. document available here.
**DIGG** up positive articles for govenor huckabee! find articles on the governor and give a 'thumbs up' on positive pro-huckabee comments, and a 'thumbs down' on negative comments. then hit the "digg it" button to add your vote and help bring it to the top of the pile! go here to register for digg. and go here at huck's army, to find articles to digg up!
**go** to "huck's army forum" for great contact information for leadership and the media, here.
**order & distribute** the "Values Voter Debate DVD" to churches, community groups, friends & family. this is a great way for christians to see all the canidates weigh in on the "values issues". $9.99 w/ free shipping, here.
debate also available for online viewing here.
**contact** Tom DeLay, former republican house majority leader. he has spoken highly of governor huckabee and has said, "Grassroots is more important today than money." Let's tell him, and show him, he's right! contact him here.
**go** to huckabeepolls to participate in online polls to show your support for governor huckabee. here
**volunteer** to particpate in govenor huckabee's campaign. here.
**donate** to governor huckabee's campaign here.
vote for governor huckabee at the nrsc here.
vote for governor huckabee at newsmax here.
note: participating in this poll, you may receive newsmax email updates. but you can unsubscribe.
homeschoolers: start a mike huckabee school project! make signs, write letters, research, read articles. get involved!
pray for governor huckabee's health, endurance and safe travel as he continues to campaign across the country.
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