Friday, August 31, 2007

Christian: What shapes your Values & Beliefs?

indulge me for a moment....

how do we elect a president?

looking at it, it seems simple, right? we have republican and democratic primaries. we select one canidate to represent each party. we have a general election between the two. they tally the votes and voila! we get ourselves a new president. the balloons drop, and let the inaguration party begin!

so who determines who our next president will be? "the american people, of course!", you say. so how do the american people decide who they want for president? "by voting for the canidate who best represents their values and beliefs!."

so what shapes the values and beliefs of the average american? " the media, tv, news, family, friends, leaders in the community, letterman, oprah..celebrities...pop culture."

not sure if it's the 'chicken and the egg' thing...but....

if, in fact, this is true...and what we see in media, families and pop culture reflects the values of the average american....we're in big trouble, folks.

have you watched tv lately? or watched a popular new movie? or followed the life of an american celebrity?? scary, very scary.

so how are christians different? how do WE determine our values and beliefs? how do WE know which canidate best represents our values and beliefs?

WE MEASURE THEM UP AGAINST THE BIBLE. we look for someone who is consistent with the Bible. a person who lives out those principles bearing fruit in their lives. We pray.

it is a given, that the canidate needs to be qualified for the job... their abilities, experience, expertise, capacity..but beyond that..

are we as christians, stopping to really LOOK at the canidate from a christian perspective? are we LOOKING for spiritual consistencies....are we LOOKING for fruit in their lives?? are we LOOKING to see if they walk the talk? are we LOOKING for integrity and character? are we measuring the canidate based on these parameters?

are our values and beliefs being shaped by the world? or by the Word of God?

it's so easy to fall prey to the world, media and pop culture. the power and lure of the world, media, and celebrity.. is not to be underestimated.

we all know, in our christian walk..if we don't proactively seek God... if we don't proactively choose God...we can easily be swept away into the world with all it's trappings. unless we consciously do so...unless we exercise our will to choose God...and get in His Word...we can easily lose our moral compass and find ourselves drifting with the tide.

the puzzling thing to me is....if we as christians, are doing the above....if we are seeking the Lord, if we are measuring the canidates against the Word of God, if we are voting our conscience...why isn't mike huckabee a slam dunk? why is there any debate on who the christian choice should be?

it's simple math: christian godly man bearing fruit + conviction to christian values + proven track record in executive leadership + ability to unify and communicate = MIKE HUCKABEE. nothing's simple.

christians, stop a moment and take stock... seek the Lord, get in the Word, pray. ask yourself, "what shapes my values and beliefs?"....then look at the canidates...and see if the answer to your equation, turns out to be the same as mine.

blessings to you...

"when you said, "seek My face," my heart said to You, "Your face, Lord, I will seek." psalm 27:8

christians for mike huckabee

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Looking Beyond the Label...

does this scene sound familiar?

relaxing with family and friends at their 15 acre summer home...replete with yacht, horses and celebrity friends. a family portrait with 3 generations of family, including 15 grandchildren and possible dog. family members are posing for a picture, dressed in color coordinated outfits (or sometimes even matching) lined up in 3-4 rows in front of the family compound on a patch of sprawling green grass (or maybe the beach, just to shake things up a bit).

i don't write this to be facetious, but to make a point. aren't we used to seeing our president, and presidential canidates (especially more recently) in a very affluent, glamorous, 'almost untouchable' lifestyle? have we come to expect that..and maybe even kind of 'prefer it'??

i realize as a culture, we've been somewhat programmed. .. ingrained in our minds, are the black and white photos and newsreels. pictures of a first family relaxing and frolicking on their yacht... the glamorous dinners the beautiful people, the clothes, the celebrities.

we're used to seeing our presidential hopeful living the 'lifestyle's of the rich and famous' . we're used to seeing them rubbing elbows with celebrities, attending premieres of movies (documentaries on 'global issues' only, of course... unless the celebrity in the movie happens to be a 'personal friend'), and throwing out the first pitch at a major league baseball game. ..they're inaccessible, untouchable...they're a celebrity.

i often wonder, with the way the world changing so quickly...and with the influence of pop culture and the media....has the presidential election become a "virtual popularity contest of the rich and famous?" a "it's who you know, and who -your -friends are race?" it seems as if it's become like the days of high school. people are saying, "i wanna be friends with the popular high school quarterback and cheerleader. i wanna be associated with them because they're cute and cool."

problem is folks....we're not in high school anymore! this is the real world. and this is not a mere high school popularity contest...this is the presidential election at hand.

we need to go back to what the presidential election should be based upon... not personal wealth, celebrity friends, or the big house on the hill. the choosing of the president of the united states needs to be based on the credentials of the canidate, their values, their track record, their ability to communicate, their qualities of leadership, their conviction and commitment to their message..their qualifications for the job...and most importantly, "are they submitted to God?".

it is so important with the presidential 2008 election pending, that we as christians, MUST EDUCATE OURSELVES. we MUST take the time to research, read and pray regarding this upcoming election. we MUST inform ourselves about the canidates. we MUST ask God what He would have us to do. What is our role?

it's not like buying a bottle of ketchup at the grocery store. we can't just buy the one 'everybody buys-because it's the one-we've always bought', or 'it's expensive so it must be good,' no! times have changed. who knows what's in that bottle of ketchup today? it's time to check out the brand, the ingredients, the price, the value...what are you getting for the $2.79?? is it worth it? is there something better out there?? we need to be educated shoppers...educated voters.


GOVENOR MIKE HUCKABEE. he embodies the values of the christian. he is qualified and experienced. he can articulate and communicate. he can unify and galvanize. he is committed to representing and serving the american citizen. he truly is the answer to christians' prayers.

let's not buy into the stereotype. let's not just buy the bottle because it has the coolest packaging or the most commercials and billboards. let's take the time to "read the label"....let's find out "what's in the bottle". after all, in the end, when we go to eat those french fries with a big dollop of ketchup...and find it tastes'll be too late....we already bought it, and now we've gotta eat it.

come christians, let us look beyond the label....and choose wisely.....

"for the Lord does not see as man sees; for man looks at outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart." 1 samuel 16:7b

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Christians: "The New Minority"???

while still pondering the $1,000,000 question , 'why aren't christians embracing and supporting govenor huckabee'??

a thought came to me, "maybe the christian community at large doesn't realize what's happening. maybe they don't realize the game has changed." christians and christianity are no longer the status quo. the government and the nation are no longer functioning with the same values and morals that it was originally founded upon.

yet, the realization has not hit, because the "pain" of it has yet to reach them personally. but unfortunately, it will eventually. it's like govenor huckabee says about healthcare..."it's not healthcare, it's sickcare". in the same way, we're waiting to do something to solve the problem AFTER it's already reached the point of disease. you're really fighting an uphill battle, with the odds stacked against you.

why is it that people become activists? because they're incensed, they're wronged and want to make it right...they see something that's not being done that needs to be done, they see an injustice and want to see justice.

it seems, christians may not FEEL the pain yet. maybe we don't have that sense of urgency to act yet? christians are NOT 'fighting mad' yet. i hope and pray our christian community doesn't wake up to what's happening...AFTER we've already reached the point of disease.

CHRISTIANS, WE ARE QUICKLY BECOMING THE "NEW MINORITY". the nation, government, and culture around us is NOT christian friendly. it is NOT the godly 'one nation under God', anymore. although, not all of this is readily apparent, it is definitely moving in that direction. think of all the things happening within schools, government, the media, the sanctity of marriage, the unborn..the list goes on and on. slowly but surely, the tide is shifting, and things are changing, and not for the better.. .. unfortuantely, NOT towards a more godly nation.

christians, we need to change the way we see the game. WE ARE NO LONGER THE MAJORITY. we no longer have the luxury of sitting back and being passive knowing that things will continue as it has always been. if we sit back, we will watch the tide shift, and all of us along with it.

it's no longer a 'defense game'... IT IS TIME FOR OFFENSE. we don't have to play dirty with elbows and hard fouls..but we do need to play aggressively and score.

i know myself included...don't feel particularly comfortable in this new role. but it is a role we must take..or watch the game slip away.

as govenor huckabee quoted his daughter during his ames poll speech, "why didn't somebody do something?" i pray, christians.....that our children and their children won't be asking that same question of us one day.

come on's time to get off the bench and play ball!

"not by might, nor by power, but my Spirit, says the Lord of hosts." zech 4:6

Monday, August 20, 2007

Mike Huckabee: An Answer to Christians' Prayers....So Why Aren't the Christians Answering Back???

this perplexes me. i don't understand.

here we have govenor mike huckabee. a man who embodies the foundational values and truths of the evangelical christian. and here in the united states, we have multiple churches on street corners throughout the country. so why aren't christians clamouring to support and embrace mike huckabee?? what's wrong with this picture??

i'm assuming it's just a matter of 'getting the word out'?? or perhaps, as it was in my case, it's apathy and a general disinterest in politics or political issues that kept me away and uninformed?

or maybe it's the fear of what people might think? i know i didn't want to rock the boat and discuss anything political with friends, family or fellow church goers. political issues were commonly known as a 'no-no' topic and rarely, if at all, discussed. after all, i didn't want people to think i was one of those 'over-zealous-wacko-political-activist types'... ;)

for many churches or ministries, maybe it's the fear of getting too close to violating irs law? i don't quite understand how the law works or the details or nuances of it. but maybe there's a chance that some of the non-profits out there don't fully understand it ,either? maybe we should try and find out more about the limitations of that as to free up more latitude for non-profit leaders to engage. it's my understanding that 'at least on a personal level', leaders of non-profit organizations can endorse and support a canidate or political party.

i really don't know the answer to the $1,000,000 question..."where is the support from the christian community?" maybe as govenor huckabee gets more exposure and the word continues to get out, we're on the cusp of it exploding!

but as for those not yet involved, i certainly understand .. for i was just like that up until now. yet, here i sit on august 21, 2007, writing a blog entry in an effort to encourage christians to act and support mike huckabee for president. who knew? God works in mysterious ways!

ya know, i was thinking to myself, "somebody of significance, somebody of impact in the christian community has got to step up and out and take a stand for govenor huckabee! they need to lead the charge! "

although, for many, the technicality of whether they "personally" endorse him vs. their church or ministry..and how they go about doing it..seems to be somewhat of a sticking point. a sticking point that feels like the achilles heel for the christian mobilization efforts. we've got to figure a way to get 'unstuck' here.

and yet these christian leaders we desire to will we ever realistically reach one of these people?? they are leaders who are surrounded by layers of people and inundated with thousands of emails daily. will they really get and read my email?

although, i will continue to send emails and hope and pray fervently that God will raise up a christian leader to make a stand for govenor huckabee. i realize in a greater way... it really and truly begins with each one of us. we may not be leaders or have a great impact on communities of people...but we 'can do our part' to spread the word, support, contribute and PRAY for govenor huckabee.

"the effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much." phil 4:16b

when the odds are stacked against us, as it is with govenor huckabee....these are the times when GOD PROVES HIMSELF STRONG!! as we are dilligent in doing what we can...'walking in a manner worthy of our calling' (eph 4:1) ...trusting the Lord...Praying ...God can do great things! time and time again, in the Bible, God embraces and lifts up the underdog... and time and time again God is victorious!

"behold, I am the Lord God of all flesh,
is there anything too hard for me?"
jerimiah 32:27

come on christians, let's do what we can and TRUST GOD to do the rest.

blessings to you....

"trust the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths." proverbs 3:5-6

Get the Word Out! but How??

as a grass roots effort, and being just ordinary's tough to know how to go about effectively spreading the word regarding govenor huckabee.

who do we contact? how do we access them? many non-profit christian organizations and ministries are legally prohibited from endorsing a political canidate or party. but we don't need an endorsement from churches, we just need to educate and inform people of their options, and allow them to make their own decisions.

but how??

i've already sent numerous emails to various christian leaders, to highlight govenor huckabee and his christian values. i'm not expecting any responses, but feel i must at least make an effort and try to contact them.

i've also sent letters to christian radio stations and christian newspapers in my area. although at this point, we may be a small grassroots contingency of people, if we all take action and contact who we can within our communities, we can have a big impact collectively. like that quote says, " the whole is greater than the sum of it's parts". and with the power of prayer.....and Jesus on our side.....LOOK OUT! like govenor huckabee mentioned post-ames..."it's like the 2 fish and 5 loaves of bread!". yes, God is working! so let's step out in faith!!

so try contacting christian leaders, radio stations, newspapers in your community. many radio stations and newspapers have 'opinion shows or columns' where issues can be openly discussed. i realize this seems like a 'drop in the bucket'...but we've gotta DO we might as well start here!

i feel confident, if people are informed about govenor huckabee, the contributions will follow. we don't have to "hit the pavement begging for money". we simply need to inform and educate people regarding the govenor, and let people do as they feel led.

so come on, christians...let's go out and GET THE WORD OUT.... and don't forget to KEEP PRAYING!


"rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks. for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you." 1 thes 5:16-18

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Huckabee .."our David"..??

in many ways, i see mike huckabee as similar to "king david".

call it 'david vs. goliath', call it 'david vs. saul' david, mike huckabee is the underdog. as david did versus both goliath and saul... so govenor huckabee goes forth with conviction and faith in God. he has a heart for God, and a heart for the american people. this is a rarity. definitely something special.

God allows, appoints and annoints.

if God allows somebody other than govenor mike huckabee to govern as president of the united states, so be it. i will submit to that... God's will be done.
"let every soul be subject to governing authorities. for there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God." romans 13:1

but we must do what we can as christians, to inform and encourage fellow believers and the christian community at large. the opportunity to support a man who is unapologetically a christian, strongly pro-life, supports marriage, believes God created the world, publicly quotes scripture...AND is articulate and can mix it up with the best of them. and he is able to do all this with a refreshing sense of wit and candor... amazing and noteworthy.

this is an opportunity for the christian community to put our 'money where our mouths are'...and quit complaining about the immorality of government and our nation. we need to DO SOMETHING and support, get the word out.. AND PRAY for govenor mike huckabee.

the surprise 2nd place finish in ames, iowa showed us not only the affability and viability of govenor huckabee...but it showed us the faithfulness and the power of God... the power of prayer.

come on, christians....let's start mobilizing in support and prayer for govenor huckabee.

because God is so good...