Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Christians: "The New Minority"???

while still pondering the $1,000,000 question , 'why aren't christians embracing and supporting govenor huckabee'??

a thought came to me, "maybe the christian community at large doesn't realize what's happening. maybe they don't realize the game has changed." christians and christianity are no longer the status quo. the government and the nation are no longer functioning with the same values and morals that it was originally founded upon.

yet, the realization has not hit, because the "pain" of it has yet to reach them personally. but unfortunately, it will eventually. it's like govenor huckabee says about healthcare..."it's not healthcare, it's sickcare". in the same way, we're waiting to do something to solve the problem AFTER it's already reached the point of disease. you're really fighting an uphill battle, with the odds stacked against you.

why is it that people become activists? because they're incensed, they're wronged and want to make it right...they see something that's not being done that needs to be done, they see an injustice and want to see justice.

it seems, christians may not FEEL the pain yet. maybe we don't have that sense of urgency to act yet? christians are NOT 'fighting mad' yet. i hope and pray our christian community doesn't wake up to what's happening...AFTER we've already reached the point of disease.

CHRISTIANS, WE ARE QUICKLY BECOMING THE "NEW MINORITY". the nation, government, and culture around us is NOT christian friendly. it is NOT the godly 'one nation under God', anymore. although, not all of this is readily apparent, it is definitely moving in that direction. think of all the things happening within schools, government, the media, the sanctity of marriage, the unborn..the list goes on and on. slowly but surely, the tide is shifting, and things are changing, and not for the better.. .. unfortuantely, NOT towards a more godly nation.

christians, we need to change the way we see the game. WE ARE NO LONGER THE MAJORITY. we no longer have the luxury of sitting back and being passive knowing that things will continue as it has always been. if we sit back, we will watch the tide shift, and all of us along with it.

it's no longer a 'defense game'... IT IS TIME FOR OFFENSE. we don't have to play dirty with elbows and hard fouls..but we do need to play aggressively and score.

i know myself included...don't feel particularly comfortable in this new role. but it is a role we must take..or watch the game slip away.

as govenor huckabee quoted his daughter during his ames poll speech, "why didn't somebody do something?" i pray, christians.....that our children and their children won't be asking that same question of us one day.

come on's time to get off the bench and play ball!

"not by might, nor by power, but my Spirit, says the Lord of hosts." zech 4:6


Jonathan said...

What do you make of the recent buzz about GOP presidential candidate Mike Huckabee?

1. Much ado about nothing;

2. A result of the lack of conservative candidates;

3. A promising boost to a potentially successful campaign; or

4. The beginning of Huckabee's rise to the White House


Lisa said...

Great Post! This might sound a little rough but I think many Christians are in their own little realm with their churches and family(which is great) but they are not paying attention.

I talk to so many people who say" I am praying for Mike Huckabee to win the election" and then they do not contribute to the campaign or help out in anyway. Prayer is wonderful but faith without action does not produce results.

I just wish that people would realize that if we do not act and do everything we can to get Mike Huckabee elected our nation will be lost.

We are in such a critical time in history, our society is in a major meltdown. It won't be the liberals that God blames for the situation of this country, it will be the millions of Christians who did nothing. God will want a word with the Christians who are practicing apathy.

God blessed America with freedom and Christians are supposed to exercise those freedoms by getting involved with all the processes of government.

I know becoming an "activist" feels strange at first but standing up for what you believe in is always the right thing to do.

Oh geez , I have written a short book. sorry about that..

MA For Huckabee

pebspicks said...

i liked your "book"! ;) i appreciate your heart and understand your frustration.

it is frustrating. i seem to continue to hit 'brick walls' as i try to contact leaders within the christian community. it it's not the 'irs', it's the 'fcc'. boy, we just need a 'whole lot' of "G-O-D"!!! :)

somebody's gotta step up and out...something's gotta give...or we may lose this golden opportunity.

i think as christians, we may be a bit spoiled. we really need to change our mindset, and start taking action.

i think as christians, we need to pray for mike huckabee and his campaign. but we ALSO need to pray and ask God, "what would you have me to do? what is my role, if any, in this?" and as the Lord leads...TAKE ACTION.

we just need to get the word out to christians, so they are informed and realize their options.

thanks for your response. i appreciate your comments. they are encouraging and inspiring.

thanks so much! (btw, right back atchya..i think i wrote myself a little 'novella',too. ;) )