Friday, August 31, 2007

Christian: What shapes your Values & Beliefs?

indulge me for a moment....

how do we elect a president?

looking at it, it seems simple, right? we have republican and democratic primaries. we select one canidate to represent each party. we have a general election between the two. they tally the votes and voila! we get ourselves a new president. the balloons drop, and let the inaguration party begin!

so who determines who our next president will be? "the american people, of course!", you say. so how do the american people decide who they want for president? "by voting for the canidate who best represents their values and beliefs!."

so what shapes the values and beliefs of the average american? " the media, tv, news, family, friends, leaders in the community, letterman, oprah..celebrities...pop culture."

not sure if it's the 'chicken and the egg' thing...but....

if, in fact, this is true...and what we see in media, families and pop culture reflects the values of the average american....we're in big trouble, folks.

have you watched tv lately? or watched a popular new movie? or followed the life of an american celebrity?? scary, very scary.

so how are christians different? how do WE determine our values and beliefs? how do WE know which canidate best represents our values and beliefs?

WE MEASURE THEM UP AGAINST THE BIBLE. we look for someone who is consistent with the Bible. a person who lives out those principles bearing fruit in their lives. We pray.

it is a given, that the canidate needs to be qualified for the job... their abilities, experience, expertise, capacity..but beyond that..

are we as christians, stopping to really LOOK at the canidate from a christian perspective? are we LOOKING for spiritual consistencies....are we LOOKING for fruit in their lives?? are we LOOKING to see if they walk the talk? are we LOOKING for integrity and character? are we measuring the canidate based on these parameters?

are our values and beliefs being shaped by the world? or by the Word of God?

it's so easy to fall prey to the world, media and pop culture. the power and lure of the world, media, and celebrity.. is not to be underestimated.

we all know, in our christian walk..if we don't proactively seek God... if we don't proactively choose God...we can easily be swept away into the world with all it's trappings. unless we consciously do so...unless we exercise our will to choose God...and get in His Word...we can easily lose our moral compass and find ourselves drifting with the tide.

the puzzling thing to me is....if we as christians, are doing the above....if we are seeking the Lord, if we are measuring the canidates against the Word of God, if we are voting our conscience...why isn't mike huckabee a slam dunk? why is there any debate on who the christian choice should be?

it's simple math: christian godly man bearing fruit + conviction to christian values + proven track record in executive leadership + ability to unify and communicate = MIKE HUCKABEE. nothing's simple.

christians, stop a moment and take stock... seek the Lord, get in the Word, pray. ask yourself, "what shapes my values and beliefs?"....then look at the canidates...and see if the answer to your equation, turns out to be the same as mine.

blessings to you...

"when you said, "seek My face," my heart said to You, "Your face, Lord, I will seek." psalm 27:8

christians for mike huckabee


Lisa said...

Another great post with some great points to think about.God Bless!

pebspicks said...


:: Lois :: said...

Amen! God bless you for sharing! My prayer is that the rest of the country would be reminded, as well.