Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Pro-Family Leaders Selling Out Pro-Family Values...

friends, "christian leadership, and their endorsements"...what is going on?!

if christian leaders continue to endorse and support what is 'popular, pragmatic, political and expedient', at the expense of principles and values. they will , indeed, find...that they are damaging the pro-family movement, which they claim to value and represent....with their very own hands. additionally, these leaders will to continue to lose relevancy, credibility and respect from the christian community and their grassroots constituency.

below is an interesting article by randy thomasson of 'campaign for children and families'. in it, mr. thomasson articulates what is happening amongst pro-family leaders and the compromise involved, when endorsing candidates like rudy guiliani and mitt romney.

America's Pro-Family Leaders Selling Out Pro-Family Values: Latest Hypocrisy is Pat Robertson's Endorsement of Giuliani

Thomasson: "Pat Robertson is casting a blind eye to Rudy Giuliani's big-time advocacy of the transsexual, bisexual, and homosexual agenda"

Campaign for Children and Families does not support or oppose candidates for public office, and provides the following information solely for educational purposes.

SACRAMENTO, Nov. 7 /Standard Newswire/ -- Campaign for Children and Families (CCF), a leading West Coast pro-family organization, condemns the selling out of family values in the U.S. presidential race by national pro-family leaders, such as Pat Robertson, who today endorsed liberal Republican candidate Rudy Giuliani.

"Pat Robertson is leading pro-family voters astray by abandoning moral standards for government," said CCF President Randy Thomasson. "This shocking news is a 180-degree turn by the founder of the Christian Coalition. Pat Robertson is casting a blind eye to Rudy Giuliani's big-time advocacy of the transsexual, bisexual, and homosexual agenda -- an intolerant agenda that harms children, religious freedom, parental rights, the institution of marriage, and the Boy Scouts."

It's well known in New York City that former mayor Rudy Giuliani marched in "lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender" parades, held "lesbian and gay pride breakfasts" at Gracie Mansion, dressed up several times as a woman, led the hijacking of marriage rights at New York City Hall, and personally demeaned marriage by divorcing his first two wives and committing adultery.

Giuliani's homosexual agenda record:
Giuliani's cross-dressing videos: 1997: 2000:

"Pro-family voters in California were fooled by a liberal Republican named Arnold Schwarzenegger, and he's rewarded them by signing a raft of anti-family laws," said Thomasson. "Will Giuliani do the same if he becomes president?" (See

Other national pro-family leaders have endorsed former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney, despite Romney's consistent support for most of the homosexual-bisexual-transsexual agenda, including advocating for homosexual scoutmasters. (See d/)

"It's scandalous how some of America's pro-family leaders have abandoned pro-family voting standards," said Thomasson. "If the pro-family community throws away its values, the pro-family community stands for nothing. And if pro-family voters are willing to get behind any popular Republican, no matter how liberal, would they support Hillary Clinton if she became a Republican? Or would the family values of pro-family leaders suddenly reappear? On moral values, Clinton and Giuliani are nearly identical."

christians, we must look and listen carefully.... we cannot rely on christian leadership to guide the way. WE must discern the wolves from the sheep....and that includes the leadership, as well.

blessings to you....

"behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves. therefore be wise as serpents and harmless as doves." matthew 10:16


LD Jackson said...

I am beginning to believe the Christian leaders are scared to death of Mike Huckabee. They know if he is elected, they will loose what little influence with us "sheep" that they have left. Huckabee is more of a regular guy and he connects to us in a way they can never hope to achieve. They are more interested in the power than they are the people.

pebspicks said...

i believe you are very right!

the "true colors" of many in christian leadership are starting to show through, and it's not pretty. it is leaving those watching in the christian community appalled and disappointed.

one thing the leadership needs to realize in this election...THEY (and their organizations) have MUCH MORE TO LOSE than any of the candidates. based on their current actions, (or lack thereof) and endorsements, THEIR CREDIBILITY AND RELEVANCY IS precariously at stake.

they may partially realize this, but are on the wrong side of the fence on it, and are are pandering to the wrong people. rather than placating wall street, k street, the media and big business, they need to get back to the christian values and original roots of their missions. back to integrity, honesty, and trusting God to do HIS work.

lest they forget...the christian community is closely watching and will hold them accountable.

continuing to pray for leadership..

sorry, that was so long....
thanks for your comment, larry!

OneMom said...

But there is good news today! Dr. Dobson is going to endorse Mike Huckabee!
