with the election just 2 days away, along with equipping christians with a voter's guide (in the previous post) i also feel a need to clarify and show the contrast and differences of the other 2 candidates running for the gop nomination.
both john mccain and mitt romney are not 'family friendly'.
throughout mccain's political career, he has had more of a leaning towards the liberal. he does NOT support the marriage ammendment, but DOES SUPPORT embryonic stem cell research. additionally, he has issues regarding supporting president bush's tax cuts as well as, supporting the controversial immigration bill. the below clip, was produced by roegone.org.
in the clip below, mitt romney was asked about abortion and roe v. wade. the first question asked was if "abortion was murder", the 2nd question was regarding "overturning roe v. wade".
in his answers, romney was busy talking around and around, up and down... but in the end, "what did he really say?" he seemed to evasively talk in circles. at the end of the clip, a follow up question was asked, but romney quickly disregarded it, and said, "he wasn't going to go into all that.." watch the whole thing below, it runs about 3 minutes.
after watching that clip, my question to mitt romney is, "so are you against abortion and believe in the sactity of human life, or not?" it is a moral issue. if you allow each state to make up their own laws, that does NOT protect the sanctity of human life..."only in few states.." what is that??!!
i would venture to say, as americans further research mitt romney, and his positions, from the santity of human life to taxes to healthcare, they will ask themselves the same question, "what was that?" mitt romney lacks consistency and credibility.
beyond the sanctity of human life, mr. romney has recently been portraying himself to be the private sector, "mr. fix-it for washington." this also requires some research and fact checking.
below is an article from the new york times. in the article, romney's business; bain capital, is explained in greater detail. also, romney's business partner at bain capital explained mitt romney as follows:
“Mitt ran a private equity firm, not a cement company,” said Eric A. Kriss, a former Bain Capital partner. “He was not a businessman in the sense of running a company,” Mr. Kriss said, adding, “He was a great presenter, a great spokesman and a great salesman.”
Citing his business experience, he urges voters to reject “lifetime politicians” who “have never run a corner store, let alone the largest enterprise in the world.”
Mr. Romney, though, never ran a corner store or a traditional business. Instead, he excelled as a deal maker, a buyer and seller of companies, a master at the art of persuasion that he demonstrated in the talks that led to the forming of Bain Capital.
He made his money mainly through leveraged buyouts — essentially, mortgaging companies to take them over in the hope of reselling them at big profits in just a few years. It is a bare-knuckle form of investing that is in the spotlight because of the exploding profits of buyout giants like Bain, Blackstone and the Carlyle Group. In Washington, Congress is considering ending a legal quirk that lets fund managers escape much of the income tax on their earnings.
“The amounts of money are so vast that it is truly a matter of time before the taxation of private equity is front and center of the public agenda,” said James E. Post, a Boston University professor who teaches business-government relations. “Increasingly, this world of private equity looks like a world of robber barons, and Romney comes out of that world.
“The private equity business is a pretty good place to make a lot of money,” Mr. Weld added. “The market rewards people who show they can see value in a company quickly, adjust a few toggle switches and sell it again four or five years later. It is capitalism’s way of picking the fleas off the dog.”
Others complain that private equity fund managers like Mr. Romney pay only capital gains taxes instead of income taxes on their cuts of investors’ profits. At present tax rates, that means that they pay 15 percent instead of 35 percent on most of their earnings.
“When you look at the amount of money these guys are making,” said Victor Fleischer, a legal scholar who has consulted with the Senate Finance Committee about changing the law, “the effective tax rate is just sort of shocking to the conscience.”
the entire article can be found here.
essentially, folks...mitt romney is not a man who ran a business, managed it well, and became a billionaire. HE WAS A SALESMAN. HE MADE BIG MONEY BY LEVERAGE BUYOUTS. he took companies, tooled with them, (fancy phrase for laid off employees) and then resold them for a profit.
in another article from the boston globe, mitt romney was described by a former colleague who wished to remain anonymous, as 'clinical' in his approach to buying and selling businesses. often, at the cost of employees' jobs. it is a hardcore business, and it was all about the money. go here to read more about "as bain slashed jobs, romney stayed to side."
the more you learn about mitt romney, the LESS YOU TRUST HIM.
the above are just a few examples of issues for both mccain and romney. granted, no one candidate is perfect. however, prior to voting on tuesday, it is essential that voters fully research all the candidates. america needs a president that stands on a record of consistency. a man americans can trust. a man that can represent the best interests of the american people.
that being said, mike huckabee stands head and shoulders above the rest. governor huckabee WILL REPRESENT THE SOCIAL CONSERVATIVE and the american family trying to make ends meet, americans that still believe in the american dream...not just the corporate elite and their investors. WE CAN DEPEND ON MIKE HUCKABEE TO LEAD WITH CHARACTER AND INTEGRITY.
now, friends, with only 2 days away....GET THE VOTE OUT FOR MIKE!!!
for more information regarding mike huckabee on the issues, go here. this fact sheet can be printed and shared with churches, family, friends and neighbors.
let's go, troops!!!
and please don't forget to PRAY, PRAY PRAY!!!!
"truly my soul silently waits for God; from Him comes my salvation. He only is my rock and my salvation; He is my defense; i shall not be greatly moved." psalm 62:1-2
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