Saturday, February 2, 2008

Values Voters Recommendations!!! Share with Churches & Friends!


below is a great resource for christians and churches. craig huey of reality alert's election forum has recommendations for the presidential candidates and california leglislative issues.

after extensive research, the election forum has endorsed govenor mike huckabee as the presidential candidate that best embodies and represents the Christian voter. below is the newsletter and links to his website and downloadable voter's guide.

we must do what we can to circulate this to churches, family and friends...ASAP!!!!

Craig Huey'sReality Alert: Special Update Issue
Your Resource from a Christian Worldview
February 1, 2008

Welcome to this Special Update Issue of Reality Alert. Our next full issue will be out next week, but I wanted to pass along the following 3 important items:

1. The Primaries are Next Tuesday! There are only 4 days left to help change the direction of the upcoming California Primary election.Here is what you can do:
Email our recommendations to church friends and family by clicking here.

Print out and distribute our voter guide designed for churches. Click here to access the guide.

You will note I have updated our endorsement of Governor Mike Huckabee and we oppose John McCain and the other candidates. To see this, click here.

The initiatives arguments are also linked. And if you have a local issue, our recommendations are also on the website. You can visit the Election Forum site by clicking here.

2. Huckabee or Romney?
A few of our readers have asked, should they switch to Romney to help defeat McCain?

I would say no.

First, Huckabee is going to win three or more states on Tuesday. Second, in California, delegates are by Congressional District. In many Congressional districts, Huckabee could win if our readers and their friends get out and vote. This means Huckabee would pick up these delegates.

This election has been truly filled with ups and downs. Clinton and Giuliani were supposed to be the big, easy winners. McCain was supposed to be out.

Don't let the media or biased talk shows discourage you from voting for the best candidate. Let's get our friends and family out to vote for Huckabee.

3. Two Interesting Videos
Here are two interesting videos you should see:

Mike Huckabee on Hillary and Iraq. Click here to watch.

At the end of this week's Republican debate, all 4 candidates answered the question "Would Ronald Reagan vote for you?" Click here to take a look.

As a Christian you need to know about the candidates and initiatives from a Christian worldview. Cut through the deceptive advertising, misleading mailings and media bias.

You and the 2008 Election
To help Christians vote their values, we extensively researched the Presidential candidates and initiatives from a Christian worldview.

We carefully evaluated where each presidential candidate stands on the key issues—such as the War on Terror, family-friendly positions including abortion and marriage, growing the economy, reducing taxes and other key topics to see how they compare.

Knowing where each candidate stands is vital in this crucial election. The next president will appoint Supreme Court judges, determine how to stop inflation and a possible recession, and protect our nation from aggression and threats. That’s why I urge you to pay close attention to the information provided.

Based on this research, we are providing the following recommendations:
Republican—Governor Mike Huckabee
Democrat—No recommendation

Why not Ron Paul? Click here
Why not McCain? Click here
Why not Romney? Click here

1.National Defense/War on Terror. Huckabee is strong on defense and understands the nature and danger of the War on Terror.

2.Economic Policies. Huckabee believes that the free market is the best way to eliminate poverty and raise the standard of living. He will implement tax cuts, reduce the federal deficit and reduce job-killing regulations.

3. Social Issues. Huckabee will be a strong voice in protecting marriage, reducing abortion and protecting religious freedoms.

4. Supreme Court. Huckabee will appoint strict constructionist judges we can trust to interpret the constitution, not judicial activists who will legislate from the bench.

Mike Huckabee’s conservative, Christian worldview makeshim an excellent choice. Click here for more information

After months of research on each candidate for president, I have recommended Mike Huckabee.
I'm very impressed with Huckabee's ability to communicate conservative values and beliefs. His humor disarms the liberals. His ability to articulate his conservative economic, social and national defense beliefs is superior to the other candidate.

Mike Huckabee will also be able to intelligently debate the liberal Democratic candidates.
He is credible. He has a vision. And he can dramatically articulate the vision.

On the Election Forum website, I've posted 10 key considerations for choosing any presidential candidate. Click here to review.

These considerations represent the key qualities needed to lead our nation in 2009 and beyond. Mike Huckabee best exemplifies these character qualities (Exodus 18:21)

Also, his stands on the issues are solid (click here for candidate comparisons).

Mike Huckabee has been unfairly attacked for his faith by the media. Sadly, he has also been falsely accused of "liberal" statements. This is not true.

I have carefully reviewed the critics, the pundits and the accusations. On economic issues, I have found Mike Huckabee to be as free market and pro-growth as any of the other candidates, if not more so.

As governor, he raised some taxes and lowered some taxes. But unlike Romney, he left with a surplus (and actually a smaller tax increase).

The attacks on Governor Huckabee have been largely about his faith. But the truth is, he speaks to the average voter—an essential quality needed to win in 2008. His policies are solidly conservative—no one can point out specific issues—only misquoted phrases.

In some ways I like many of the other candidates—even if I don't like some of their positions, stands and character qualities.

I'd really like to stitch together a little of Obama, a little of Romney and a little of Paul—but I can't. (Truth be told, my first choice dropped out of the race.)

In the final analysis, I simply see Mike Huckabee as the best Republican choice for president. And I encourage you to vote for him on Tuesday.

spread the word, huey has done an excellent job of researching the candidates and presenting his findings to the Christian community. He has done this for years, and is frequently on Christian radio sharing his recommendations.

with super duper tuesday is just days what you can to help inform christians, and make a difference for mike huckabee and our nation!!! GOD CAN DO ALL THINGS!!!!

let's go troops and pray on!!!!


Fleeting_Thoughts said...

Just curious is there any rule about sharing this in Church?

pebspicks said...


Thanks for visiting. Actually, "yes" you can share this at church with fellow church goers and friends. Please spread the word!!

Pastors CAN "PERSONALLY" endorse a candidate, as long as it is done as a 'PRIVATE CITIZEN'. Pastors need to be clear, and qualify their statements with, "I speak as a private citizen..."

For more detailed information about what can and cannot be done by a church, see my previous post on 501(c)(3) guidelines.
link here:

There is also a great document from Matt Staver of the Liberty Council, here:

Thanks, I hope this is helpful!!!

pebspicks said...

Pastors Know Your Legal Rights
Guidelines for Pastors and Churches
Concerning the Endorsement of Political Candidates

The endorsement of a candidate includes any statement which uses explicit words to expressly advocate the election or defeat of a clearly identified candidate, such as “elect,” “support,” “defeat,” or “oppose.” This is called express advocacy. Distributing campaign literature from a candidate is one form of express advocacy. A church may not engage in express advocacy.

A pastor, however, in his individual capacity, may endorse a political candidate. The pastor may state his affiliation with his church, as long as it is indicated that this is for identification purposes only and that his endorsement is from him personally, not his church.

One controversial area is whether a pastor may personally endorse a political candidate from the pulpit. The IRS has taken the unequivocal position that this is not allowed. Some, however believe that the First Amendment’s provisions on free speech and free exercise of religion protect such statements. We believe that this is not a prudent step for a pastor and do not recommend it.

Churches and pastors may support or oppose the appointment of judicial, cabinet or other nonelected officials. This is considered lobbying, not electioneering.

To learn more read the entire article in a pdf published by the Alliance Defense Fund,


Or for more information and legal counsel go to the website of the Alliance Defense Fund

This information came from pastors4huckabee: