Sunday, December 30, 2007
Governor Mike Huckabee: "A Decade of Duty"
with the presidential primaries right around the corner, i thought this would be a great opportunity for americans to watch a retrospective of governor huckabee 'in action.' below is "mike huckabee: a decade of duty." it covers governor huckabee's 10 1/2 year tenure as the governor of arkansas. it starts from the beginning with the scandal of governor tucker reneging on his resignation of the governorship, to hurricane katrina, to more personal observations of governor huckabee by staff and fellow arkansasians.
all the clips total a bit over half an hour. but you can watch them in 'installments.' ;) when you have some time, or have 5 minutes to spare...sit down and watch one of these clips. you really get a greater sense of governor huckabee and his style of leadership as well as his personal touch with people.
again, 'tis the holiday season...grab a warm beverage...sit back, and enjoy....mike huckabee's decade of duty.
just minutes before the planned inauguration of lt. governor huckabee, governor tucker calls saying he has changed his mind.
diversity in arkansas staff, taxes and improvements made in arkansas.
governor huckabee: a quick study and a hard worker.
governor huckabee's irrepressible humor.
governor huckabee's "triple wide trailer governor's mansion", his bass guitar playing and love of music, and his dramatic weight loss and his commitment to new health goals and lifestyle.
governor huckabee exhibiting his faith, leadership and pastoral compassion in the midst of local and federal tragedy and catastrophes.
"let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven." matthew 5:16
christians for huckabee
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
CCN On the Road: "Interview with Mike Huckabee"
below is an interview by CCN in des moines, iowa, during a pastor's conference. this interview is unique. it is a more intimate, relaxed and personal conversation with governor huckabee. this 27 minute interview, gives you a greater sense of mike huckabee, the man... the pastor...and the leader. as you watch it, you get the sense that you are sitting down with a wise and seasoned pastor, and the president of the united states, at the same time. it is a bit lengthy, but well worth the watch.
so grab a warm beverage, sit back, relax and enjoy... a conversation with mike huckabee.
christians for mike huckabee
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Huckabee: "Refreshing Common Sense"
below is an interview with neil cavuto on fox news. it runs about 10 minutes, but is a 'must watch'. governor huckabee addresses questions from foreign policy to taxes, and does so with ANSWERS THAT JUST PLAIN MAKE SENSE! they speak to the common sense of the american people. it's not that political jibberish we're so used to hearing. it's common sense innovative solutions and answers to today's complex issues and questions. how refreshing!!
the second clip, is a video of governor huckabee with wolf blitzer this past weekend. it's the second part of a two part interview. again, governor huckabee talks to the american people with experience and wisdom.
give them a watch!!
"the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding." proverbs 9:10
christians for mike huckabee
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Politics & the Media: SPINNING out of control...
where to start? well, i've gotta start off by saying, "I HATE POLITICS!!!"
now that i've got that off my chest....if you have read my previous blog posts, you know that up to now (and mike huckabee) i have never been interested or involved in anything remotely political. it was only after learning of governor huckabee, that i felt compelled and convicted to get involved. after 4 months of blogging for governor huckabee, and watching the goings-ons of all the candidates, campaigns, christian leaders, and the media. i find myself thoroughly and constantly disgusted, incensed, infuriated and frustrated. this is the world of politics?! yuck! no thank you!!!
to watch "politics-in-action" it is no wonder that the majority of americans (and especially evangelical christians) disdain and avoid politics altogether. IT IS DISGUSTING!!! and i think i'm putting it rather mildly!
recently, with governor huckabee's rise in the polls, things are definitely heating up. it is like a crazy political rollercoaster ride of ups, downs, twists and turns. the opposing campaigns and the media are in attack mode. (and i'm sure it'll get worse, before it gets any better...) they are jockeying for position, pushing and shoving their way into the limelight and to the top of the heap. and it's not pretty.
as i watch, i can't believe my eyes, or my ears. i watch and listen as candidates, their campaigns and the media LIE, TWIST, EMBELLISH, MALIGN, and MISREPRESENT..and all this under the harmless word of, "spin??"
i watch as men like fred thompson, mitt romney and groups like the club for growth and the liberal media continue to attack governor huckabee. they BLATANTLY LIE , BIASELY TWIST THE FACTS, and TAKE THINGS TOTALLY OUT OF CONTEXT in an effort to intentionally mislead the public.
it's NOT about reporting the news in a 'fair and balanced manner.' and it's NOT about "reporting the facts." the media are notoriously biased and liberal. this is a well known fact. but more recently, they have become unabashedly more blatant.
i must say, i've heard so much about the 'religion thing' the past few weeks, and not much of it has been very positive. but yesterday, i heard a great answer by governor huckabee on the subject. a reporter was asking if people of various religions (other than christianity) could or would be a good president or should it even be an issue? governor huckabee responded, (paraphrased), "it doesn't matter what religion they say the are. the issue is, once they state what religion they are affiliated with, are their lives are consistent with that faith's beliefs and tenets?" i agree with governor huckabee... basically, we're looking for consistency and commitment to their faith. let's see it!!! whatever it is!!
friends, in this presidential primary, what do you see? these candidates that are aggressively vying for the spotlight....are these men that talk of "faith in america", and "conservative values"... walking the talk? how are they conducting themselves and their campaigns?
ironically, the candidates that are trying to align themselves with evangelical christians, the faith and values voters groups, and the social conservatives....these candidates are fred thompson and mitt romney. both these men profess to have a faith in Jesus Christ. yet, these two men have been the most aggressive in the negative ads and nasty campaigning thus far. isn't this a contradiction??
they are pandering to the evangelical christian and social conservative, but they are conducting themselves more negatively than non-christians like guliani and mccain.
sadly, within this world of politics and spin, i don't see much honesty, character and integrity. instead, i see politics running in "full force". whether this type of behavior is the 'norm' or not for this presidential race, it does not make it not make it any more palatable. frankly, it's ugly. it's distasteful. it's offensive. and many americans and christians alike, are sick and tired of it.
instead, i believe america is looking and longing for something different. personally, as a christian voter, i am looking for a man of character, integrity, and competency. i'm not looking for perfection. it does not exist. i'm not looking to agree with the candidate 100% on all the issues and all his opinions. rather, I AM LOOKING FOR SOMEBODY WITH INTEGRITY, THAT I CAN TRUST. somebody who's life reflects his beliefs. i'm looking for somebody that conducts himself in a manner, that i feel exemplifies character, honesty and integrity. a man that i can trust to represent and make decisions for me, my family and america with honor.
for me, it really boils down to the "man, himself." DO I TRUST HIM? DO I BELIEVE IN HIM?
what i greatly appreciate about governor huckabee is....HE IS, WHAT HE IS. he is honest and sincere. he addresses questions forthrightly. if he makes a mistake, he says so. he is a refreshing breath of fresh air, in the toxic world of politics. he is not trying to "repackage himself" or "spin himself", to suit the voters. he is what he is, and what he has been. he hasn't changed radically. he is consistent. now, i didn't' say he was perfect. but significantly more consistent than any of the other candidates.
interestingly enough, as the media and opposing campaigns pick-pick-pick away at issues in governor huckabee's past...why aren't the media pick-pick-picking away at any of the other candidates with significantly more inconsistent and torrid pasts? it seems almost a coincidence, that the two opposing candidates that have been the most aggressive in negative attacks, have also enjoyed a somewhat 'free pass' from the media on their own issues of inconsistency and controversy? this is a bit puzzling and disconcerting.
over the years, organizations like focus on the family and afa, have taught and encouraged christians to stand up for their beliefs and principles. they have taught us to be bold, and to have a voice in the public square on issues that effect our faith and families. the presidential election is no different. to the degree that evangelical christians comprise a good percent of america, we also have the power to object to negative campaigning and biased media coverage. we have a voice, and we have the economic muscle. friends, it's time to use it!!!
we do not have to sit back and tolerate politics and the media's spin. we can communicate our displeasure; turn off the t.v., stop buying the paper or magazine, and not vote for that candidate. friends, we do have the power to make a difference. let's do it!!!
onward, christians....because OUR GOD IS FAITHFUL!!!
" He only is my rock and my salvation; He is my defense; i shall not be greatly moved." psalm 62:2
Monday, December 10, 2007
A DOUBLE STANDARD: "Where is the tolerance FOR CHRISTIANS??"
recently, i read an interesting article by matt lewis at's blog regarding the DOUBLE STANDARD that is being applied to religion in politics. here are a few excerpts:
"... I'm noticing a disturbing trend emerging in politics. While Mitt Romney's Mormonism is politically unassailable, Mike Huckabee is beginning to be portrayed as a "kook" -- for referencing his faith.
Specifically, some pundits disapprove of Huckabee's inference to a student that his surge in the polls was due to prayer.
In any event, let's not have a double-standard. If criticizing Romney's religion is off-the-table, then Huckabee's faith should also be off-the-table."
the entire article can be found here.
this article caused me to think more about the issues of "double standards" in regards to religion...specifically, christianity and in this case, governor mike huckabee.
this past week, mitt romney made a highly publicized and touted speech, "faith in america". romney's speech was a political attempt to shift focus and decry bigotry towards his mormon faith. romney exhorted americans to tolerance, liberty and understanding. many in the media were quick to agree, with accolades and warm 'bravos' and "amens".
it seemed most people (especially the media) agreed. romney had a point, a good point. basically, don't bother or badger romney about his mormon faith. it is OFF LIMITS. it would be deemed bigotry. it is unseemly (very "un-american"), unfair and intolerant. end of story.
that being fast forward to mike huckabee's campaign. on a daily basis, governor huckabee is CONSTANTLY, INCESSANTLY, REPEATEDLY and EXCESSIVELY being asked specific detailed questions about his faith, his theology, his personal views on specific biblical precepts. for instance, "if being a christian and a pastor would effect his ability to be president?" "would his christian beliefs effect or influence how he governs?"does he think God has divine providence for Him to be president?" "does he think so-and-so will go to heaven?", "does he believe the bible? every word of it?" goes on and on and on and on....
not only do the media feel it is permissible, but they seem to act as if they have the "right" to ask these questions. they almost appear to be on a mission. seemingly, like a mandate to "find out these things" on behalf of the american people. journalistic responsibility and excellence!
we all know, they ask these questions, not because they "truly want to know or to understand" the issues. it is simply an attempt to stir up controversy, acquire ammunition and fodder for the next few news stories. or alternatively, they do so in an effort to strengthen the position on behalf of an opposing candidate they favor.
now...if, for some reason, governor huckabee refused to answer the "christian questions"...if he were to scoff at them, or attempt to avoid them altogether... the media will immediately call, "foul!!" and accuse governor huckabee of being evasive and not forthright...somehow untrustworthy.."un-christian".
indeed, friends..clearly, THIS IS A DOUBLE STANDARD.
and this double standard manifests itself in the everyday lives of the christian. this is not new news. friends, what governor huckabee is currently going through with the media, is what christians all over the world experience. unfortunately, governor huckabee has to endure it primetime, on national television.
why is it re: issues like mormonism, homosexuality, muslims and abortion, christians are constantly being admonished to be tolerant.
yet, when the topic shifts to anything regarding christianity or Jesus Christ, the rules change radically. if a christian asserts their rights, immediately they are attacked, hounded and condemned by the media. immediately there is an outcry of 'separation of church and state!', 'fundamentalist christians!', 'social conservatives!'
conversely, if a mormon, homosexual, muslim or pro-choice person feels their rights have been somehow violated. if they feel they have not been treated fairly. this becomes a media story of intolerance, bigotry, prejudice. we are immediately called upon and admonished to be "tolerant" understand differences and embrace them. don't judge. they cry, "who are YOU to say something is wrong.. we all have our own standards...everybody just do your own thing, and we'll live happily together in our diversity." nice thought, BUT.....
friends, if there is no standard...there is no place from which to measure right and wrong. if the standards move...the entire society moves. we see it happening today, before our very eyes. the standards are randomly being moved...and our society is moving....and folks, most americans would agree, it is NOT in a good direction.
with no standards, there is no moral code. everybody just "does what they feel is right to them." which is highly subjective. inevitably, anarchy ensues. and we, as christians, are all to stand by and simply be "tolerant."
indeed, this is an ongoing spiritual issue that is being played out over and over now, in schools, government etc....examples such as christian children in public schools, being denied an after school bible study on campus. yet, muslim children are afforded one hour of 'school time' with supervisors and special speakers to practice their muslim religion. reading of the koran and learning about the muslim religion is mandatory curriculum. however, reading from the Bible is prohibited. (separation of church and state, you know...) opening government sessions with prayer is now become controversial and even prohibited in some instances. yet, having a muslim or buddhist to open a session is not only okay, but applauded as exhibiting understanding and tolerance of other religions. yes, folks there is clearly a double standard, here.
now, here we have an unapologetic evangelical christian like mike huckabee running for the president of united states. it is abundantly clear, that governor huckabee is also on the receiving end of this same double standard. governor huckabee, is currently leading the pack and the polls. he is proving to be a viable contender to win the nomination. the reality of this threat, gives occasion for many to go on the attack. the wolves are coming out in force. in many ways, governor huckabee's campaign and his bid for the presidency is a microcosm of what is happening all over america to many christians. it seems more frequently, christians' rights are being violated, in the name of 'tolerance' for others. indeed, it seems clear, we are in the last days. (maranatha!)
but, for those that are constantly calling for christians to be "tolerant".....where is the "tolerance from the tolerant??" where is the tolerance for christians and what we value??"
friends, we are all different and diverse, we all have preferences. and we live in a country that affords us many glorious freedoms. however, we cannot allow these freedoms to come back to bite us. with too much rope, we can surely hang ourselves. we must have a standard. we must have a moral code by which to live. and no man, in his finite capacity can determine what the balance and standard should be. we need to look to Whom our founding father's looked and depended. we need to go back to what our country was founded upon, and by which it flourished. we need to get back to God and the Bible. we need to refocus and recalibrate. we need to find our bearings again.
although, many cry "tolerance!" on the contrary, i believe as a country, we should be crying , "dependence!" .... dependence upon God.
as governor huckabee continues his bid for the white house, he will surely endure more unfair attacks, accusations, questions and unfair reporting. indeed, the double standard will continue.
friends, we need to PRAY FOR GOVERNOR HUCKABEE. we need to pray for our country. we need to pray for the christians across america. we are blessed to have freedoms in america that others around the world do not enjoy. we have the luxury of democracy and the freedom of religion. we must continue to pray, and work to maintain these freedoms, lest we become like others around the world that have lost that liberty and suffer and are peresecuted for their faith in Jesus Christ.
christians, this double standard issue is much larger thing than just governor huckabee and the presidential race. it is rampant throughout the country and the world. as christians, we must do what we can practically, to help secure and maintain our christian religious freedoms. in many ways, christians are now the underdogs. we are now the one's that must fight for our rights, liberties and freedoms. it has come to a time, that we can no longer take these religious liberties for granted. it now requires greater involvement and commitment on behalf of the christian. we must stand up and fight for what we believe. like governor huckabee said in his speech in washington d.c. "we believe in some things.. we live and die by these things...we won't sacrifice our principles for anybody's politics."
christians, it is time to mobilize and get involved. it is time to assert ourseslves, and let our voices be heard.
because our God is so faithful,
"be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go." joshua 1:9
christians for mike huckabee
Sunday, December 9, 2007
The Dumond Case: "The UNREPORTED Facts ..."
recently, there has been a deluge of media criticism regarding governor huckabee and the wayne dumond case. there have been countless news programs and news articles detailing governor huckabee's so-call responsibility and involvement in this case. unfortunately, ALL THE FACTS OF THE CASE HAVE NOT BEEN ACCURATELY REPORTED.
below is an article written by brian cherry of 'the new media journal'. in it, mr. cherry presents details of the case that have not been widely reported in the main stream media. mr. cherry presents the history and background of the case. he also explains commutation, pardon and parole in the state of arkasas, and specifically, governor huckabee's role in this case.
here a few excerpts: (note: this article contains colorful commentary and graphic details.)
"...Wayne Dumond’s journey to freedom started when Bill Clinton’s liberal Democrat successor to Governorship of Arkansas, Jim Guy Tucker, commuted Dumond’s sentence from life plus twenty years to a total of 39 years. Thanks to Tucker this dangerous predator became eligible for parole in 1994 instead of being locked away from society forever. Huckabee inherited this issue when Guy Tucker was convicted of corruption associated with the Whitewater investigation and forced to resign.
In 1999 the parole board took a vote regarding the release of Dumond, and the majority cast their lot in favor of letting him out of jail. Portraying this democratic vote to parole a convict as a gubernatorial pardon is about as accurate as describing the landslide victory of Ronald Reagan as a great moment in the history of despotic power grabs.
Ever since the release and subsequent crimes of Dumond, the members of the parole board responsible for his freedom have used the occasion of a Huckabee election cycle to rush to any available microphone and claim that the Governor forced them to parole the rapist.
Every member of the parole board that freed Dumond was either appointed by Bill Clinton or Jim Guy Tucker; both liberal Democrats and opponents of Mike Huckabee.
Huckabee was never shy about his intentions regarding Dumond, he leaned heavily to the side of seeing the man released. The parole board saw it this way, too. The reasons for this were because compelling evidence shed light on the possibility that Dumond was actually not guilty. Any good Governor or parole board would do their ethical best to err on the side justice.
The case was politically charged in the state of Arkansas because the victim in the rape that sent Wayne Dumond to prison for life plus twenty years was Ashley Stevens, a teenaged cheerleader and cousin of Bill Clinton.
Let’s ignore the sympathy for Dumond that was inspired when he was assaulted in his home, hogtied, castrated, and his testicles displayed in a jar on the desk of Sheriff Coolidge Conlee. According to Steve Dunleavy of the New York Post, Conlee even put a note under the body parts that stated "That's what happens to people who fool around in my county." Sympathy isn’t evidence, even though it may sway the sort who participates in the politics of really bitter tears, we shouldn’t release criminals because we feel sorry for them. In the case of Wayne Dumond his release was partly due to the fact that the victim’s account and the evidence were at odds.
One of the most emotionally charged moments in this continuing saga was when Ashley Stevens went nearly nose to nose with Governor Huckabee and said, "This is how close I was to Wayne Dumond, and I will never forget his face, and you will never forget mine. He's the one that raped me." Oddly enough, according to NewsMax, she couldn’t remember the eye color of the man whose face she would “never forget”. When giving a description of Dumond she got this basic fact wrong along with a botched description of the vehicle he was driving.
There are other problems with this case that are on a genetic level, and when we say “genetic” we don’t mean the foggy memory that seems to kick in whenever somebody with Clinton DNA has to answer questions. We mean that the DNA from the crime scene didn’t match that of Wayne Dumond.
Dr. Moses Schanfield, who heads the Analytic Genetic Testing Center in Denver, took the semen sample left on Ashley’s jeans, and tested it to see if it matched Wayne Dumond at a genetic level. After the results of the test were in, Schanfield told New York Post reporter, Steve Dunleavy, that "This case was a disgrace" and that sperm found on the girl's jeans could not “in a million years” belong to Dumond. Moses Schafield testified to this fact during one of Dumond’s appeals.
In the end Wayne Dumond was sent to, and kept in jail based on nothing more then the word of the victim, a botched description, and DNA that was a negative match for his.
People can speculate all they want on Huckabee’s involvement in this issue and the parole board members can continue to try to blame him for the vote that they made of their own free will; that’s just the politicized world we live in today.
We can also ask questions like did the criminal castration and imprisonment of an innocent man turn him into a monster, or was Dumond already a monster who got framed for a crime he didn’t commit? All this is open for consideration. The fact that cannot be contested is that Dumond was paroled by a vote of board members that were all appointed by liberal Democrats, not pardoned by Governor Huckabee who happens to be a Republican; these are two completely different things.
The parole board is an independent entity that used its constitutional power to secure Dumond’s release. In Arkansas, the Governor has no vote or say in this process. Huckabee’s only legal action in this case was to deny Executive Clemency. These are facts that ABC not only didn’t present, but distorted either by incompetence or design.
the entire article can be found here.
it is frustrating and pathetic, that the media can distort the facts so purposefully. they have such power to wield. simply a headline accusing governor huckabee can mislead the public, leading to foregone conclusions.
despite the media's intense "spin" on this case, governor huckabee continues to graciously and consistently address the issues presented, with the truth. that's all he can do.
friends, let's pray for governor huckabee. pray that God will sustain him, as he perseveres through the media and opponents' attacks. and pray that americans will see past the 'spin', and seek and see the truth.
prayer is our weapon... for we serve a mighty God!
"the weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. on the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds." 2 corinthians 10:4
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
"but be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves." james 1:22
christians for mike huckabee
Sunday, November 25, 2007
New Huckabee Ad: "BELIEVE"
yes, governor huckabee believes some things....these are the same things the social conservative, values based, evangelical christian believes, as well. indeed, governor huckabee comes from us. and yes....WE BELIEVE!!!
"now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." hebrews 11:1
mike huckabee
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
YES! THE NOV 20th GOAL WAS MET!!!!!!!!!!
yes!!! governor huckabee met his november 20th goal!! yipeeee!!! thanks go out to all the huckabee supporters who gave, spread the word, and prayed, prayed, prayed!!! God was so gracious and faithful, and took our gifts of $10, $20, or whatever we could give....and multiplied it to reach our goal!!!
praise goes to God........and a big high five, to all of you, too!!! ;)
for those interested in governor huckabee's daily fundraising progress, here's a link to an interactive timeline, showing governor huckabee's fundraising totals in real time.
let's continue to spread the word... continue to give as we can... and continue to PRAY, PRAY, PRAY!!!!
onward christians!!!!
"happy is he who has the God of jacob for his help, whose hope is in the Lord his God." psalm 146:5
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
TODAY, is the day to give to governor mike huckabee's campaign. the campaign has set an online goal of $1,034,487 by midnight 1/20/07.
LET'S JOIN TOGETHER AND MAKE A DIFFERENCE.....let's help equip governor huckabee to lead america back to VALUES, INTEGRITY, FAITH and HONOR. let's help take america, back to basics.
below, is a great video to help kick-off today's fundraising effort. watch and enjoy!!
"i planted, apollos watered, but God gave the increase. so then neither he who plants is anything, nor he who waters, but God who gives the increase." 1 corinthians 3:6-7
Sunday, November 18, 2007
this is a great ad. it showcases governor huckabee's humor, creativity, and '1-2 punch support', from none other than....CHUCK NORRIS!!!
send this to friends and's not politics...IT'S CHUCK NORRIS, folks!!!! :)
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Endorsements: "Convictions vs. SELF Interest"
boy, what a week of endorsements (and non-endorsements) it has been. sadly, it seems apparent, that behind the scenes 'strategic political positioning' and 'power and politics' are, indeed, alive and well in the world of washington and the media. how very very sad and disturbing. yet, based on what i've seen thus far, not surprising.
as a follow up to my last post, i have a question i wanted to address, regarding the endorsements by well known christian leaders, "WHY ARE THEY WAITING? WHAT ARE THEY WAITING FOR?" i've heard on more than one occasion, the following responses, "we're going to wait and see what happens,"... "see how things shake down, "... "wait to see who the front runners are, and go from there,".....but my response to that is.........."WHY??"
if, in fact, the basic premise of the christian is, I WILL VOTE MY VALUES AND PRINCIPLES (of which, i hold most dear.) then, what does 'how things shake down', or 'waiting to see what happens', or 'let's see who's in the general election, then i'll make my decision', have anything to do with it? that is a contradiction!
essentially, it sounds like hedging one's bets. it sounds as if they are trying to 'protect and insulate' themselves. these leaders are willing to endorse a candidate...assuming, that candidate has a good chance of winning. they want to choose a 'winner'. they want to be on the 'winning team'. but what does that say about that leader? what does that say about their convictions, principles and values?
in my opinion, it doesn't sound like values, principles or convictions are motivating the decision. rather, it sounds like personal reputation, personal credibility, personal relevancy and SELF are taking center stage. how very very sad.
one thing to note: for those in positions of influence and leadership...welcomed or not, along with the position of prominence and leadership, along with the blessings of success and influence, comes responsibility.
in webster's, the word "leader" is defined as follows: to show the way, as by going before; to direct as by going before; one that leads; guiding head. it would appear, that a 'leader', goes BEFORE...the troops... NOT waiting to see how things pan out. they are ahead of the pack guiding...they initiate.
i believe this applies to christians in public leadership positions, as well as to, "us", the rank and file christians. each of us has our own scope of influence around us. great or small, each of us can impact those around us. each of us, has a responsibility to live out our faith and our convictions in our choices and actions.
for those christian leaders and rank and file evangelicals, that are taking a stand and supporting governor huckabee i say, "bravo!". it takes courage, it takes integrity, it takes making a 'conscious decision' to ACT upon one's values and principles....not just to talk about them...not to just wait and see.
christians, our values and principles today, are the same as they will be tomorrow or next year. we believe in what we believe in, period. it's non-negotiable. unfortunately, next year or next election, we may not have the opportunity to support a candidate, like mike huckabee for president. waiting to see, and not acting today, we may lose this opportunity to elect a man that has integrity, character and competency. beyond that, mike huckabee has the humility and meekness to understand his need for God, and his sense of responsibility to the american people.
on the contrary, i would much rather align myself with like-minded, grassroots christians, that are personally committed to faith, family and freedom, IN ACTION.....NOT just on their letterhead or their mission or their motto.
sadly, it appears those that are in positions of influence are, themselves... BEING INFLUENCED by position, politics and power.
so whether the high profile christian leaders choose to endorse governor huckabee or not. i am perfectly content and honored to identify with leaders like alcorn, norris, wildmon, folger, graham and fellow rank and file christians alike. for these are the people that understand full well...who they are supporting and why. they have chosen to take a stand. they have chosen to act on their convictions. i greatly admire these people. they give me hope and encouragement. they inspire and motivate me.
to all you christians, that are taking a stand for what you believe in...for your values... for your faith... for your convictions... for what you feel is you also... i say, "thank you, and i am honored to stand along side you."
blessings to you, for we serve a mighty God!
"give unto the Lord the glory due to His name; worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness." psalm 29:2
christians for mike huckabee
Friday, November 9, 2007
Don Wildmon & Randy Alcorn Take a Stand!
good news to report!! i'm sure you may have heard that don wildmon (founder and chairman of American Family Association) has officially endorsed governor huckabee.
The Rev. Dr. Donald E. Wildmon, founder and chairman of the American Family Association, has given his personal endorsement to the former Southern Baptist preacher.
“I think he shares our values,” Wildmon said, according to OneNewsNow, which is operated by the American Family News Network.
“Will we agree with Governor Huckabee on 100 percent of items? No, we will not,” the ordained United Methodist pastor admitted.
“But when you take the whole ball of wax, I think Governor Huckabee is the person we need,” he added. “I think he has the skills to bring us together. I think he has the leadership and the vision, and I think he can take the country to that place where we need to be desperately at this point in our history.”
A growing number of Americans are agreeing with Wildmon or at least considering a similar view of the former Arkansas governor.
this is fantastic news not only for governor huckabee, but also for the rank and file evangelical christians. many christians have been waiting, yearning and praying.. for a christian leader to step out, and take a stand on behalf of values and principles vs. politics and power. go, mr. wildmon!
another recent endorsement for governor huckabee, is by well known christian author, Randy Alcorn. at his blog, mr. alcorn recounts his past experiences with politics, and explains why he has chosen to support governor huckabee. here are few excerpts:
And, frankly, six months ago if you’d asked if I’d be endorsing a presidential candidate I would probably have said “no way,” because I couldn’t envision a candidate I would actually trust. However, God has called us to be good stewards of our opportunities, and to be His representatives in every area. And, contrary to my expectations, there actually is a candidate that I, a political skeptic, believe to be a man of integrity, wisdom, winsomeness, faith and yes, even eternal perspective.
In my opinion, Huckabee doesn’t just know the words; he knows the music. You can see the authenticity in him. I heard him say, “I do not spell G-O-D G.O.P.” That means he’s a follower of Christ before he’s a follower of the Republican party. He’s not overbearing in his spiritual beliefs, but he never apologizes for them. He’s humble and self-effacing. He’s not in your face, yet he’s firm in conviction. I actually think this guy says what he believes and believes what he says. And I have to say, I don’t think that about most politicians.He says some things that are unpopular and will lose him votes and he says them anyway—I love the courage that reflects.
I appreciate Huckabee’s wit, sincerity, intelligence and wisdom. In his interviews, I like that he’s self-deprecating. He’s not an angry conservative. He’s winsome. And I get the feeling he’s not conservative to be conservative. I think he doesn’t care how he looks as much as whether he’s right— how he stands before God first, and people second. And he doesn’t just mouth the words “I’m prolife,” then fail to take measures to defend the unborn from destruction, as many nominally prolife politicians do.
I don’t agree with everything Huckabee says. And I’m sure he’s not the perfect candidate. No one is. But from what I’ve seen, I think he’s head and shoulders above the alternatives in any party. Call it subjective, since I’ve never met him, but I trust him. And I can’t support and recommend people I don’t trust.While I would hate to be a politician, I have always thanked God for men and women who are called to that. So I thank God for Mike Huckabee. And especially when he labors to speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, I feel like the least I can do is support him.
well said, mr. alcorn! this is so encouraging! christian leaders are beginning to take a stand.
yet, as i sit and watch, i think am beginning to see somewhat of a trend or pattern, in the endorsements. it appears to me, that the "political, business minded, win-at-all-costs, power-type" leaders (weyrich, jones, demoss) are choosing romney. these men have a relationship with romney either via business or politically. they have vested interests in the nomination. it's about pragmatics, politics and power.
on the other side, the "conservative, traditional, grassroots, bible based, principle-based leaders are choosing huckabee; (norris, scarborough, wildmon, alcorn). with them, it's about principles, values, competency and trusting in God. it's not about "who can win or who is electable", but rather, who has character, integrity, trustworthiness, consistency and competency. who do we trust to lead this country? most of these endorsements, come from men that have personally researched the candidates, watched, listened and studied. they have no business or political relationships to gain. their choice to endorse governor huckabee is an educated one. it is NOT one based on politics, business or power.
additionally, i see a trend , specifically, amongst huckabee supporters. many of those in leadership and those in the evangelical community (myself, included) who support governor huckabee, were previously NEVER involved or interested in politics or politcal candidates...until now...until mike huckabee. governor huckabee and his campaign for the presidency are causing and compelling many previously apathetic and disinterested christians....who were previously content to remain silent and on the sidelines... to become involved, to become fired up, to take a stand, to take action on behalf of governor huckabee. this is significant.
ultimately, despite who christian leaders decide to endorse, the endorsement is only as relevant as the leader, himself, is relevant. (which, by the way, is quickly becoming an issue for many of those in christian leadership.)
it really boils down to the people...the voters...the rank and file. like i've heard governor huckabee say regarding the endorsements.....(paraphrased) "the leaders are just one vote. i'd rather have the followers, than the leaders." i say, "amen!!"
we, my friends, are the followers, we are the 'rank and file'.... we are the thousands and millions, to their handful of hundreds. WE are the ones that will nominate and elect the next president of the united states, NOT the christian leadership.
don't get me wrong, endorsements are wonderful, and can speak volumes and can translate into money and support, for the candidates. but christians, let us be careful to scrutinize not only the candidates themselves, but those who are endorsing them, as well. " their fruit, you will know them..."
below, is another short excerpt from the article on don wildmon's endorsement of governor huckabee...
According to a survey of the National Association of Evangelicals’ 100 board members in October, Huckabee was the “clear first choice,” reported the NAE president Leith Anderson.
However, Anderson noted evangelicals are still concern on Huckabee’s ranking in polls.
“If he does well in the Iowa caucuses or early primaries then Evangelicals may suddenly rally to his support,” the NAE head predicted.
entire article can be found here.
friends, here is another example of leadership hedging their bets. despite, their heartfelt and initial convictions, they are waiting to "see" how things pan out first, before offering their support. friends, let NOT be as these leaders. instead, let us be people, that pray, act and vote on our convictions and values FIRST and trust God for the rest. let us NOT get caught up in the political power game.
hopefully, i pray, the endorsements from leaders like wildmon, alcorn and norris, will encourage and embolden other leaders, and rank and file christians alike... to research, to pray, and to take a stand on behalf of values and convictions OVER politics and power.
thank you, mr. wildmon, mr. alcorn, mr. norris, mr.scarborough and all the others, that have taken a stand. not only have you strengthened governor huckabee's campaign, but you have strengthened and encouraged, "us", the rank and file christians watching, as well. for that, we say, "thank you."
may we walk in a manner worthy of our calling, in Christ Jesus...
by His grace alone,
" out your own salvation with fear and trembling; for it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure." philippians 2:12b-13
christians for huckabee
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Pro-Family Leaders Selling Out Pro-Family Values...
if christian leaders continue to endorse and support what is 'popular, pragmatic, political and expedient', at the expense of principles and values. they will , indeed, find...that they are damaging the pro-family movement, which they claim to value and represent....with their very own hands. additionally, these leaders will to continue to lose relevancy, credibility and respect from the christian community and their grassroots constituency.
below is an interesting article by randy thomasson of 'campaign for children and families'. in it, mr. thomasson articulates what is happening amongst pro-family leaders and the compromise involved, when endorsing candidates like rudy guiliani and mitt romney.
America's Pro-Family Leaders Selling Out Pro-Family Values: Latest Hypocrisy is Pat Robertson's Endorsement of Giuliani
Thomasson: "Pat Robertson is casting a blind eye to Rudy Giuliani's big-time advocacy of the transsexual, bisexual, and homosexual agenda"
Campaign for Children and Families does not support or oppose candidates for public office, and provides the following information solely for educational purposes.
SACRAMENTO, Nov. 7 /Standard Newswire/ -- Campaign for Children and Families (CCF), a leading West Coast pro-family organization, condemns the selling out of family values in the U.S. presidential race by national pro-family leaders, such as Pat Robertson, who today endorsed liberal Republican candidate Rudy Giuliani.
"Pat Robertson is leading pro-family voters astray by abandoning moral standards for government," said CCF President Randy Thomasson. "This shocking news is a 180-degree turn by the founder of the Christian Coalition. Pat Robertson is casting a blind eye to Rudy Giuliani's big-time advocacy of the transsexual, bisexual, and homosexual agenda -- an intolerant agenda that harms children, religious freedom, parental rights, the institution of marriage, and the Boy Scouts."
It's well known in New York City that former mayor Rudy Giuliani marched in "lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender" parades, held "lesbian and gay pride breakfasts" at Gracie Mansion, dressed up several times as a woman, led the hijacking of marriage rights at New York City Hall, and personally demeaned marriage by divorcing his first two wives and committing adultery.
Giuliani's homosexual agenda record:
Giuliani's cross-dressing videos: 1997: 2000:
"Pro-family voters in California were fooled by a liberal Republican named Arnold Schwarzenegger, and he's rewarded them by signing a raft of anti-family laws," said Thomasson. "Will Giuliani do the same if he becomes president?" (See
Other national pro-family leaders have endorsed former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney, despite Romney's consistent support for most of the homosexual-bisexual-transsexual agenda, including advocating for homosexual scoutmasters. (See d/)
"It's scandalous how some of America's pro-family leaders have abandoned pro-family voting standards," said Thomasson. "If the pro-family community throws away its values, the pro-family community stands for nothing. And if pro-family voters are willing to get behind any popular Republican, no matter how liberal, would they support Hillary Clinton if she became a Republican? Or would the family values of pro-family leaders suddenly reappear? On moral values, Clinton and Giuliani are nearly identical."
christians, we must look and listen carefully.... we cannot rely on christian leadership to guide the way. WE must discern the wolves from the sheep....and that includes the leadership, as well.
blessings to you....
"behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves. therefore be wise as serpents and harmless as doves." matthew 10:16
Guest Blogger!!
today, we are excited to have a guest blogger, the 'rally penguin', visiting christians for huckabee mobilize blog. the rally penguin has some candid thoughts to share regarding today's news of sam brownback endorsing john mccain, and pat robertson endorsing rudy guiliani. take it away, rp!
MANCHESTER, N.H. (AP) - Former Republican presidential candidate Sam Brownback is throwing his support behind John McCain. GOP officials say the conservative Kansas senator will endorse his Senate colleague later today. The endorsement comes as a boost to McCain, especially in Iowa, where he has been trailing in polls.
This story just makes me laugh!!! How in the world can this endorsement come as a boost to McCain, when Brownback's numbers were what, one percent? Yeah, big boost there!! I think Brownback must've told McCain, "Hey, I'll endorse you if you consider me for VP" -- it's the game of politics, friends!
And Pat Robertson's endorsement of Rudy Giuliani?!?!? HA!!!!!!!!!! For the most part, Robertson is seen as a "nut" in many evangelical circles, so this may not be that big of a deal. Plus now good ol' Pat will have to answer to many of his supporters, who are gonna wonder how he could endorse a pro-homosexual, anti-life candidate!
Huck, don't lose heart -- we're still behind you!!!
The Rally Penguin
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Christians: Involved BECAUSE of our Convictions..
friends, below is an archive post from august. i wanted to repost it, for those that have not read this before...but more importantly, to remind us all ....why we're involved and supporting governor huckabee for the presidency....BECAUSE OF OUR CONVICTIONS...
below are excerpts from an interview with govenor mike huckabee regarding the evangelical christians' involvement in the presidential election and political process. govenor huckabee eloquently and passionately articulates the issues at hand. (emphasis mine)
If the NRA, for example says well this time, 'We don't care about your position on guns, it's really all about your position on global warming.' Then the NRA has just lost it's leverage. If Greenpeace says, 'We don't care about your positon on the environment all we care about is your position on guns', they've lost their leverage on their issue.
If the Evangelical Comminity doesn't hold our feet to the fire as canidates, about our own personal character as well as our stand and our record on issues like the sacntity of human life and the role of traditional marriage, then you know what? We've lost our leverage. We're another political special interest group like the Republican Women of any county USA. And have lost any real impact in helping to shape the debate and move the election.
I would hate to see that happen. Because many of us have become involved in and embroiled in the political world BECAUSE of our convictions, BECAUSE we believe things.What a shame if we lose that. What a shame if all the years in which people have worked to try to make sure that we could influence the position of our government toward the innocent human life that is now taken at will.
If we lose that, it's not about losing elections, we've lost really our soul, our integrity and our purpose for being involved."christians...WE NEED TO GET INVOLVED, BECAUSE OF OUR CONVICTIONS, WE NEED TO GET INVOLVED BECAUSE WE BELIEVE THINGS.
christians, it's time to step out.... it's time to get involved.
"fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God I will strenghten you, yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." isaiah 41:10
christians for mike huckabee
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Thursday, October 25, 2007
501(c)(3) Christians: Equip Yourselves!!

James Madison Center for Free Speech
GUIDELINES for March 2006
by James Bopp, Jr. General Counsel
James Madison Center for Free Speech
in association with the Alliance Defense Fund
As the 2006 elections approach, and various groups begin again their intimidation tactics in an effort to silence churches and pastors about the great social and moral issues of our time,
churches and pastors need clear guidelines for permissible political activities. In response to that need, the James Madison Center for Free Speech and the Alliance Defense Fund are providing these guidelines3 and will respond free of charge to inquiries by churches, pastors, and priests on permissible political activities through informal e-mails, telephone advice and legal opinion letters.* The Alliance Defense Fund has provided a grant to the James Madison Center for Free Speech for this purpose.
These guidelines summarize the requirements of the Federal Election Campaign Act and
James Madison Center for Free Speech, 1 South 6th Street, Terre Haute, IN 47807, voice
812-232-2434, fax 812-235-3685, e-mail
guidelines with anyone who may benefit from their use.
by the grant. If a request falls into this category, the requesting pastor or priest will be notified as soon as possible so that appropriate arrangements may be made to answer this request.
exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or the press; or the right of the people
peaceably to assemble, and to petition the1 Government for a redress of grievances.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Rank and File: It's Time to Stretch...
after watching governor huckabee in the values voters summit and the gop debate this past weekend, i am even MORE convinced and committed as to his strength and electability for the presidency. the house was rockin!
unfortunately, i am also even MORE convinced, that the current christian leadership is NOT at all interested or supportive of governor huckabee. whether it be his multiple straw poll wins, his rise in the iowa polls or his increased traction. it is simply irrelevant to them.
a recent article by marc ambinder of the atlantic co., had this to say about why christian leadership are not supporting governor huckabee.
the SoCon establishment in Washington fears Huckabee because Huckabee can empower social conservatives DIRECTLY, without the mediating influence, or dollars, of the SoCon establishment.
Huckabee has an independent streak. The establishment is threatened. Their interests are at stake and they want candidates who are beholden to them. Huckabee doesn't fit the bill.
regarding the christian leadership's support of mitt romney:
Sources say that a rough consensus has not gelled among the 40 or so evangelical leaders who met in private this weekend to figure out what to do next. Some are resigned -- not enthusiastic about, but resigned -- to the candidacy of Mitt Romney. The hope is that he feel indebted to social conservatives if they rally around him and will be thus inspired to reward them somehow in office.
unfortunately, the above theories are disgusting to me, but do make alot of sense. it is painfully clear, that these leaders have their own agendas. agendas that DO NOT include governor huckabee. it is also abundantly clear, that despite the ongoing correspondence with many of these leaders.... these leaders have no intention of changing their positions regarding governor huckabee. they seem to have a vested interest.
obviously, there there is a significant difference between what christian leadership deems important, and what the rank and file evangelical voter values. as clearly evidenced at the values voter summit in washington d.c. this past weekend.
yesterday, an article in time magazine addressed this very issue in "huckabee's bid for the christian right". author amy sullivan highlighted the struggle and fundamental differences between christian leadership, and the rank and file christian voter.
The conflict has been brewing underneath the surface, but the results of the straw poll at Saturday's Values Voters Summit made it official: the real struggle in the 2008 Republican primaries will be not between Rudy Giuliani and Mitt Romney or social conservatives and fiscal conservatives but between Christian Right leaders and the conservatives in the pews.
entire article found here.
i believe ms. sullivan's comments to ring very true. (see archived post: "christian leaders gone astray")
a wise christian leader recently told me, (paraphrased) "we have a representative government. therefore, we must vote for the candidate that BEST REPRESENTS US and OUR VALUES."
christians, we cannot allow ourselves to be bullied or herded into following the current christian leadership. the current leadership is not accurately representing the evangelical christian values voter.
as a result, leadership's credibility is seriously being questioned. in an attempt to forward their agenda, and at the cost of abandoning christian principles and values, these leaders may turn around..and see 'nobody is following'....and may very well lose their relevancy in the process.
UPDATE: a recent article by the 'right wing watch' outlines the perceived predicament of christian leadership.
While many leaders want to endorse fan favorite Mike Huckabee, others are more hesitant. The source informed me that "the dilemma is over whether to choose the preferred candidate of their constituents or go with the pragmatic choice and risk offending our base."
Huckabee's rock star reception at the Value Voters Summit made things more difficult.
Interestingly, the source described a "new pragmatic narrative" that may be forming: "None of the top-tier can beat Hillary anyway so why risk offending the base by snubbing Huckabee?"
Either way, social conservative leaders are in a bind.
"If we don't support Huckabee we tick off religious conservatives," the source lamented. "If we push Huckabee we tick off everyone else. It's a tough situation to be in."
(full article here)
christians, if the above article has any grain of truth to it....WE MUST ACT.
the christian leadership is in a quandary. NOW IS THE TIME TO PUT THE PRESSURE ON! we cannot let them squirm out of this one. we cannot give them an option. THEY FULLY MUST UNDERSTAND what is at stake. we have to get them where it hurts. where they will listen. they must understand in no uncertain terms that they are at HIGH RISK of losing the support of their christian grassroots constituency. this is what they fear. it has got to hurt them more to alienate "us" (their grassroots christian base) than anybody else. we must hold them accountable.
and we MUST COMMUNICATE THIS TO THEM. we must get the message out.....directly and also with our blogs, christian media AND with the MSM. we have got to make them understand what is at risk if they choose to disregard governor huckabee as the christian conservative candidate of choice. the washington briefing spoke volumes as to the true choice of the christian values voter. we cannot allow the enthusiasm, passion and power of that day to be forgotten.
we need to ride them on this one. and we need to do it while the iron is still hot!!! i know it may sound a bit harsh, but it's tough love, folks...if there's a chance we can influence the situation. we must at least try. (over at huck's army, there is a thread on this, as well as a fantastic sample letter, here. also, there is leader and media contact information, here.)
beyond issues of leadership, we, as 'rank and file christians', can contribute greatly to governor huckabee's cause. at a grassroots level, we can hit the ground running, and start doing things within our communities to support and promote governor huckabee.
i believe, the greatest thing we can do for the governor is to GET THE WORD OUT. we need to inform people about governor huckabee. much of it, is name recognition. other candidates have the money to run endless commercials nationally. governor huckabee's campaign does not have that luxury. presently, he has not been able to go nationally...friends, WE MUST GO NATIONALLY FOR HIM. each of us, within our communities can spread the word.
i know, i know....this is a stretch. in fact, just today.. i stretched. it wasn't easy, but i did it. i called into a national christian radio show to ask a question to a well known and respected pastor regarding christians and politics in the gop race. i was scared to death!! but i did it. i did it, because i so strongly believe in governor huckabee and his message. and i realize that without each of us doing our part and 'stretching' a bit, governor huckabee won't get a fair chance or shake.
another BIG stretch: just a couple days ago, chuck norris publicly endorsed governor huckabee. (article here) this was huge!
but what impressed me the most...was that not only did chuck norris write an extensive piece on the how's and why's of endorsing governor huckabee, but he did it unsolicited. apparently, chuck norris has never met governor huckabee. he has been watching, listening, reading, and researching on his own. chuck norris did his homework!! and then he went out on a limb, and publicly endorsed governor huckabee. folks, that takes guts and conviction!
what does chuck norris have to gain? not much. what does he have to lose? probably alot more. but he stepped out in faith...he stepped out on his convictions.....he stretched, big time.
in turn, this will likely embolden many others to do likewise.
friends, we may not be chuck norris, but we can each do our 'own version' of chuck norris. we can each step out in faith...we can each step out on our convictions....we can each stretch...we can each embolden others around us, to do likewise.
blessings to you...
"for God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a strong mind." 2 timothy 1:7
christians for mike huckabee
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Christians: NOW is the Time!!
the washington briefing has just ended. the straw poll results are in:
ON SITE voting results:
Mike Huckabee 488 51.26%
Mitt Romney 99 10.40%
Fred Thompson 77 8.09%
ONLINE voting results:
Mitt Romney 1595 27.62%
Mike Huckabee 1565 27.15%
Ron Paul 865 14.98%
Fred Thompson 564 9.77%
once again, the values voters have spoken. and once again, it is in favor of governor huckabee.
however, once again, it is readily apparent, that christian leadership refuses to acknowledge or accept the choice of the values voter. this is a travesty. we must voice our displeasure with leadership. moreover, if christian leadership and organizations do not accurately represent our christian values, we must also reconsider our ongoing support of them.
below is a copy of a letter sent to family research council regarding their seemingly biased reporting of the washington briefing straw poll results.
Dear FRC,
I had the privilege of watching the Washington Briefing online via AFA.
Listening to the presidential speeches, it was clear that those in attendance, enthusiastically supported Governor Huckabee.
The on SITE straw poll clearly indicated this as well. With a 5/1 margin, Governor Huckabee was the clear winner. However, this was not reported on your FRC site. Why not? Not only are the results partial and inaccurate, this is a disservice to those who took the time and commitment to attend the event.
Obviously, online polls can be manipulated. Historically, straw polls are targeted to those committed enough to attend and cast their vote. To highlight the online vote, and neglect the "on site" vote, is both inaccurate and irresponsible.
If you are going to report the results, you have an obligation to report ALL THE ACCURATE RESULTS in their entirety.
Thank you.
UPDATE: sorry, to make this post longer..but as i perused the online news, it is clear that the FRC's biased handling of the straw poll results, are directly effecting media headlines.
i posted the following on the huck's army forum. if you feel so inclined, please contact FRC here , regarding this issue.
"WB Attendees: Misrepresented by FRC".
I did not attend the WB this weekend, but for those that DID ATTEND and voted, they must be furious!!!
It was obvious just by watching online, that the majority of attendees supported and favored Gov. Huckabee.
Yet, the way the 'winner' was announced, and the subsequent 'spin' of the results on FRC's website, has resulted in 'spin' for Romney throughout all the media outlets. The headlines read, "Romney wins Values Voter Summit". Although, some do mention some of the numbers, not many go into detail on how close the online voting was NOR do they highlight the 5/1 domination of the onsite voting.
For those who took the time to attend the summit, supporting FRC and the Christian Social Conservative organizations, this is a gross misrepresentation. The votes of those in attendance were unanimously cast in favor of Govenor Huckabee, yet that is not reflected by the tone or language of FRC.
FRC's biased handling of the straw poll results, have resulted in a domino effect in the MSM. FRC doesn't want to give Gov. Huckabee any love, and obviously, neither do the MSM.
FRC and the MSM need to hear our displeasure. FRC must be held accountable for their actions. Somebody somehow needs to personally confront Tony Perkins on these issues. I, for one, plan on immediately cancelling my FRC membership.
Pray Christians...pray....
initially, i tried to give these leaders the benefit of the doubt, the courtesy of good intentions. however, now it is clear.....these christian leaders have their own agenda. and unfortunately, it does not coincide with the values voter.
during the washington briefing, laura ingham described this ailment as, "ABC", an acronym for "anybody but clinton". friends, sadly, it is clear, that this is the mentality of the current christian leadership ....."ABC."
ironically, the entire weekend, leader after leader got on stage, behind the podium, talking and preaching on 'bliblical principles', 'values', 'voting your conscience', 'faith', 'God'. it was very inspiring! but ya know what, friends? for all of those speakers...good intentioned, sincere, authentic or otherwise....THEIR CREDIBILITY IS NOW ON THE LINE. they spoke it, and preached it to all of let's see THEM LIVE IT, as well.
let's see them 'step out in faith' and support the candidate that meets the criteria they set out in their speeches. let's see them make their decisions based on biblical principles and values. let's see them reconcile their christian faith, as they choose a candidate, in this GOP presidential primary. let's see it.
as leaders within the christian community, all these individuals have a unique responsibility in this political process. like it or not, they wield influence and power. some embrace it, some shun it. nonetheless, they have it. since they chose to speak publicly to values voters on politics and the presidential nomination, they now also have a responsibility to personally act on what they have professed. they are accountable.
many will have excuses, as to why they cannot publicly endorse a candidate. they will continually talk 'around' the issues and person. they will avoid specifically naming names..only eluding to their choice. i'm sorry, friends, but to me... this is a cop out.
they claim they want to maintain privacy as to who they will vote for. unfortunately, as high profile christian leaders, and specifically those who publicly exhorted and admonished christians to vote their values. they do not have that luxury. instead, they have a responsibility.
frankly, for these christian leaders that chose to speak at the washington briefing summit, their credibility is now on the line. i am anxiously awaiting to see if what they spoke so passionately about on the stage, will flesh itself out, in their personal actions.
i sincerely hope and pray, it will. i stand back... waiting and watching. praying that they will, indeed, stand on biblical principles and will not compromise. the coming days and weeks will be telling. we must watch, we must hold leadership accountable.
for the rest of us in the community....we also have a responsibility. albeit smaller in scope than that of high profile leadership, but a responsibility, nonetheless. christians, IT IS TIME TO TAKE ACTION. IT IS TIME TO STEP OUT IN FAITH. NOW IS THE TIME.
if you have had convictions...if you have had an inkling.. if you've felt a tugging at your heart that just hasn't gone away...if you've been thinking you 'should', but just couldn't...if you wish you could somehow help governor huckabee, but, but, but.......friends, NOW IS THE TIME.
there are only a few months left till the iowa caucus. as a result of the washington briefing straw poll, governor huckabee is now at a pivotal point in his campaign. if you have wanted to support governor huckabee up to now, and haven't....and were waiting for a good time....NOW IS YOUR TIME.
if you wanted to donate money, but were waiting till the general election or later down the road...friends, NOW is when governor huckabee needs the financial support. if you have wanted to get involved in grassroots efforts for the governor, but just didn't have the time....(you guessed it...) NOW IS THE TIME. now is the time, to MAKE TIME....before it's too late.
recently, a new forum has been started to help centralize and mobilize grassroots efforts for governor huckabee. go here to check it out!
friends, there are many opportunities to get involved. whether it be making signs, donating financially, talking to family and friends, writing letters to leadership and media, getting the word out at church, or praying...WE CAN ALL MAKE A DIFFERENCE. NOW IS THE TIME.
come christians, let us live out our
"so teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom." psalm 90:12
christians for mike huckabee