This list was developed by James Bopp, Jr., General Counsel for the James Madison Center for Free Speech. This list of "dos and don'ts" is not represented as an exhaustive and comprehensive list.
the above table is just a sample of an 11 page document by James Bopp Jr., of the James Madison Center for Free Speech. this is a fantastic and timely tool for pastors, churches and non-profits. this document provides a clear explanation of the law, as it pertains to non-profits, in the areas of political involvement and activity.
i believe this is something that ALL PASTORS, CHURCHES and NON-PROFITS 501(c)(3) organizations should review.
currently, it appears many churches, pastors and christian organizations have been effectively silenced and hamstrung from voicing any opinions or having any influence in the political process. it appears many have been hesitant to 'speak their mind' on issues and candidates, due to the fear of laws and irs regulations.
hopefully, this document will better inform and equip many in these areas. therefore, allowing christians, churches and pastors, to have a voice in the political process and upcoming elections.
obviously, the mainstream media and many liberal leaders, do not hesitate to speak their minds, and endorse and promote their own liberal agendas. they do not have laws and regulations restricting their activities or involvements. this is clearly evident. their voices are dominant.
christians, we need a voice, too. i know many christians shun involvement, and say, "but you must trust God." friends, i heartily agree. yes, WE MUST TRUST GOD. but WE MUST ALSO DO OUR PART and TAKE A STEP IN FAITH.
david beat goliath, not by sitting on the sidelines waiting for goliath to back down and go away. although, God could very well have delivered goliath into his hand. instead, david went into battle with 5 smooth stones. and God delivered goliath into his hand.
the story of joshua and jericho...God could have knocked the walls down at the start. instead, the men marched around the walls for 6 days. and as we know from our sunday school classes, that on the 7th day, with trumpets blowing and a loud shout, God brought the walls tumbling down.
at the pool of siloam in john 9:11, "a Man called Jesus made clay and annointed my eyes and said to me, 'go to the pool of siloam and wash.' so i went and washed and i received my sight."
countless times in the bible, God calls us to put action to our faith. it is abundantly clear, that any victories we experience ARE A DIRECT RESULT OF GOD'S HAND. specifically, in this world, we are, indeed, the 'underdogs... the davids', if you will. yet, we know, God can do all things. we know God gets all the glory. but friends, where our own little steps of faith?
christians, it's time for us, to get informed and equipped, and step out in faith. the article by mr. bopp is an opportunity to do just that. here is an excerpt from the first page:
James Madison Center for Free Speech
GUIDELINES for March 2006
by James Bopp, Jr. General Counsel
James Madison Center for Free Speech
in association with the Alliance Defense Fund
As the 2006 elections approach, and various groups begin again their intimidation tactics in an effort to silence churches and pastors about the great social and moral issues of our time,
churches and pastors need clear guidelines for permissible political activities. In response to that need, the James Madison Center for Free Speech and the Alliance Defense Fund are providing these guidelines3 and will respond free of charge to inquiries by churches, pastors, and priests on permissible political activities through informal e-mails, telephone advice and legal opinion letters.* The Alliance Defense Fund has provided a grant to the James Madison Center for Free Speech for this purpose.
These guidelines summarize the requirements of the Federal Election Campaign Act and
The James Madison Center for Free Speech encourages you to copy and share these
guidelines with anyone who may benefit from their use.
*Requests for a formal opinion letter involving substantial legal research are not covered
by the grant. If a request falls into this category, the requesting pastor or priest will be notified as soon as possible so that appropriate arrangements may be made to answer this request.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free
exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or the press; or the right of the people
peaceably to assemble, and to petition the1 Government for a redress of grievances.
(note: i contacted mr. bopp today, and he confirmed that the march 2006 document is current and updated .)
the entire 11 page article, "GUIDELINES for POLITICAL ACTIVITIES by CHURCHES and PASTORS" can be found
HERE.christians, i highly encourage you to try and get this information passed on to pastors, churches and non-profit organizations.
we must do what we can...and trust God for the rest....
christians, what an awesome God we serve!
"i will bless the Lord at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth. my soul shall make its boast in the Lord." psalm 34:1-2
christians for mike huckabee
1 comment:
This is excellent! What a great resource! I hope everyone is printing this and handing it to their pastors and other church leaders this weekend.
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