Dear Mr. Bauer,
Thank you again, for your correspondence.
Yes, I see your point, regarding the issue of abortion and the sanctity of life. You are absolutely right. Indeed, we DO NEED TO BE PRUDENT in our choice for president.
And yes, there are several important issues effecting the Christian family today. The sanctity of human life; definitely, being one of them. However, in an effort to achieve this one goal, we musn’t compromise on broader more far reaching foundational issues.
Essentially, the issue of abortion, is simply a symptom; a manifestation of a larger more foundational problem. It signifies the decay of morals and values. It denotes a lack of understanding and respect for human life. But even more foundationally, it signals a lack of respect and honor for God and what He has given and ordained.
I understand the sense of urgency in regards to the upcoming Supreme Court Justice nominations. I realize the gravity and importance of this opportunity. However, there is no guarantee that with a Republican president, that we will garner the necessary support to nominate a pro-life justice. Or that the justice will necessarily vote in our favor. We hope for that. We pray for that. But with the strong opposition from liberals, we cannot know for certain.
Contrastly, if we elect a president that has a keen understanding of not only the sanctity of life, but also shares the values and beliefs of the Christian. We then have the opportunity to go ‘beyond’ the abortion issue, and essentially effect policy and government in a greater and broader sense.
On September 17, 2007 at the Values Voters Debate, the Christian conservative vote was cast and heard. Govenor Mike Huckabee won with a resounding 63%. Especially significant, was the fact that many delegates had gone to the debate with a predisposition for a candidate that was not in attendance. Yet, after hearing the debate, 100 of the delegates changed their vote, and cast it favor of Govenor Huckabee. Also, a few days later, a second straw poll at the Palmetto Family Council Debate in South Carolina, Govenor Huckabee was also the winner. In addition, Govenor Huckabee is gaining traction and steadily climbing in the polls in conservative caucus states, such as Iowa. It is clearly apparent, that Govenor Huckabee resonates with the Christian conservative, and represents and embodies their values and beliefs.
Unfortunately, neither the Christian leadership nor the media, have embraced Govenor Huckabee, or acknowledged his viability in the GOP presidential race. This is puzzling and troubling. I'm not quite sure the reason, apart from the fundraising and financial issues. However, these issues could be remedied with an endorsement or positive support for Govenor Huckabee. The Christian community would then have the opportunity to unify and rally behind a candidate, that, in fact, truly represents our values and issues.
Recently, I read this quote. I think it speaks poignantly to the issue:
One conservative leader once wisely told me this:
“We have to be faithful to God, to the principles that guide us,
and to our supporters who are looking to us for leadership.
We should be reminded of the oft repeated truth that
God has not called us to be successful;
he has called us to be faithful.”
That has guided me in everything I do politically.”
With a candidate like Mike Huckabee, we KNOW what we are getting. He is committed and consistent on the issues. He is a candidate Christians can identify with, and stand behind. I believe the schism within the Christian community is primarily a result of candidates that do NOT represent our values, being pushed upon the Christian community, due to an agenda by Christian leaders. This creates a dilemma for the Christian voter. We cannot reconcile voting for a candidate that does not share our values and beliefs. Yet, we are being encouraged to do so by Christian leadership. This creates frustration and an integrity issue for the Christian. We desire to be true to ourselves and faithful in our responsibilities in voting. But in a greater way, we feel called and desire to be true and faithful to God and our convictions.
Please don’t ask the Christian voter to compromise their integrity, for ‘one win’. Albeit, a valid one. Instead, let us support and choose a candidate that can represent the Christian community holistically. Let us choose a candidate that Christians can truly rally behind. Let us choose a candidate that can lead our nation back towards the values and principles of God. Let us be faithful…and trust God to make it successful.
“for the eyes of the Lord run to and fro
Throughout the whole earth,
To show Himself strong
on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him.”
2 chronicles 16:9
Thank you again, Mr. Bauer.
i pray mr. bauer and the christian leadership hear our voices, understand our dilemmas, and lead us in a direction to help unify our efforts.
Lord, be glorified,
"choose you this day, whom you will serve...but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." joshua 24:15
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