Wednesday, October 3, 2007

You Can Lead a Horse to Water....

well friends, for those that have been following my blog, you know recently i have been corresponding with gary bauer of american values. over the past week, i have posted the back and forth of emails and responses.

although, i don't think mr. bauer has necessarily changed his position, (although, you never know what he might be thinking!) i greatly appreciate his willingness to correspond and dialogue with me, regarding the issues. up to now, i've emailed many other christian leaders, but none have been nearly as accessible or as willing.

friends, we have to remember, mr. bauer is not necessarily 'the enemy'. i believe, in many ways we share a common goal. however, the "way to get there", is where we differ.

i would hope we can aspire to find a way to 'get on the same page'. like the saying goes, "you can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make them drink."
let's hope and pray, in our efforts to share govenor mike huckabee and his message, we can lead others to the water...and after seeing and hearing...they will drink.

blessings to you,

"oh, taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who trusts in Him!" psalm 34:8

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