Friday, October 5, 2007

SPLINTERING: "Integrity vs. Winning"

yesterday, dr. james dobson wrote an article for the new york times. in it, he explains the outcome of a meeting of christian leaders last week in salt lake city. he also discusses his personal convictions and defends the notion that the christian community is splintering amidst the current presidential election.

below are a few excerpts from the article:

After two hours of deliberation, we voted on a resolution that can be summarized as follows: If neither of the two major political parties nominates an individual who pledges himself or herself to the sanctity of human life, we will join others in voting for a minor-party candidate. Those agreeing with the proposition were invited to stand. The result was almost unanimous.
The other issue discussed at length concerned the advisability of creating a third party if Democrats and Republicans do indeed abandon the sanctity of human life and other traditional family values. Though there was some support for the proposal, no consensus emerged.

Speaking personally, and not for the organization I represent or the other leaders gathered in Salt Lake City, I firmly believe that the selection of a president should begin with a recommitment to traditional moral values and beliefs. Those include the sanctity of human life, the institution of marriage, and other inviolable pro-family principles. Only after that determination is made can the acceptability of a nominee be assessed.

The other approach, which I find problematic, is to choose a candidate according to the likelihood of electoral success or failure. Polls don’t measure right and wrong; voting according to the possibility of winning or losing can lead directly to the compromise of one’s principles. In the present political climate, it could result in the abandonment of cherished beliefs that conservative Christians have promoted and defended for decades. Winning the presidential election is vitally important, but not at the expense of what we hold most dear.

One other clarification is germane, even though unrelated to the meeting in Salt Lake City. The secular news media has been reporting in recent months that the conservative Christian movement is hopelessly fractured and internally antagonistic. The Los Angeles Times reported on Monday, for example, that supporters of traditional family values are rapidly “splintering.” That is not true. The near unanimity in Salt Lake City is evidence of much greater harmony than supposed. Admittedly, differences of opinion exist among us about our choices for president.
(emphasis: mine)

entire article can be found here.

okay, bear with me. i had to read, re-read, and ask my spouse to read and re-read this article, to try and figure out what dr. dobson was trying to say. and i think i got it. (for the moment, anyway..)

it sounds as if dr. dobson is agreeing with all the huckabee supporters, christians, and values voters out there. (now hear me out...)

i say it sounds like dr. dobson is agreeing, because this is what he states in the above article. HOWEVER, the area of contention, speculation and suspicion arises, due to the fact, that we have yet to see or hear any action by dr. dobson to support or substantiate what he has stated.

it would appear to be a contradiction between what he says and what he has actually done or not done, thus far. in an effort to give dr. dobson the benefit of the doubt (after all, he did seem to have a clear understanding of fred thompson's shortcomings.) and for the purpose of this post, we will assume he is an unannounced, pro-huckabee supporter.

that aside, i DO believe dr. dobson is addressing the fundamental and core issue in this GOP election. DO YOU VOTE FOR WHO REPRESENTS YOUR VALUES AND BELIEFS?? OR DO YOU VOTE FOR WHO YOU THINK CAN WIN?? plain and simple.

obviously, huckabee supporters believe govenor huckabee fulfills both categories, and is the obvious choice for the social conservative vote.

i believe THIS ISSUE : "integrity vs. the win" what is causing a so-call "splintering" in the christian community. dr. dobson denies this is happening amongst the leaders in salt lake city. indeed, there may not be obvious splintering amongst the christian leadership. however, i contend that at the very least, the splintering is occurring amidst the christian constituency.

i believe the christian voter WANTS TO VOTE for a canidate that embodies their values and beliefs. however, the christian leadership and the media are doing their darndest to convince them otherwise. as a result, christians are debating amongst themselves (as are the christian leaders, as mentioned by dr. dobson) and wrestling in their hearts, as to the answer to the fundamental question... integrity or the win??

we are constantly hearing the words, "but can he win?" or "the money!". but really, it really all about "winning"??? how about the issues of integrity, voting your conscience, the values and principles of a christian...and then trusting God to do the rest?? by NOT doing these...indeed, we may be focused on dr. dobson stated, at the "expense of what we hold so dear."

it appears christian leaders are 'desperately searching' for a viable canidate. however, in the process, they are finding themselves compromisng on issues, principles and values that are fundamental to the christian. whether it be mormonism, same sex unions or the sanctity of life, they are trying desperately to justify it... for the win.

but friends, is a "win" really worth it at all costs? is it worth compromsing our values and beliefs?? and who is it costing the most?? despite the outcome, will you be able to reconcile your conscience after the november 2008 election?

the story of gideon is a good example of trusting God in a seemingly underdog and adverse situation. despite the odds, gideon went forth in obedience and conviction.. trusting God...and allowing God to get the ultimate glory in the victory.

now, i'm not saying that govenor huckabee is gideon. simply, that we must do our part, and trust God to do the rest. despite the christian leadership, and their unability to commit to a canidate.. WE must. we must reconcile our faith, our values, our beliefs, and we must choose to support the canidate that best represents us.

i believe if christians voted for the canidate that best embodied and represented their values and beliefs. the result would be; a canidate that supported issues such as: the sanctity of life, the insitution of marriage, and other pro-family issues. essentially, it would be a '2 for 1'.

christians, we must realize, WE ARE A VIABLE AND POWERFUL DEMOGRAPHIC. WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE. we should NOT underestimate the power of the christian conservative vote. we can rally and unite behind a canidate, and elect him to the white house. we've done it before, and we can do it again. but it takes unity, it takes conviction and it takes action.

regarding dr. dobson, i pray God will speak to his heart. the words dr. dobson wrote, speak of a man passionately desiring to maintain his integrity, and not compromise the basic principles of his faith, in the context of this presidential election. may God give dr. dobson the clarity to see, and the boldness to step out and act upon his convictions. i pray, that results in the support of govenor huckabee.

indeed, it would be very sad, if after his impassioned article, it really wasn't about endorsing a canidate that represents his values, above the just sounded like it.

go forth, christian....pray....act upon your convictions....and trust God to be glorified.

"..that no flesh should glory in His presence.....that it is written, 'he who glories, let him glory in the Lord." 1 corinthians 1:29, 31


Lisa said...

WOW, excellent post! You did a terrific job of trying to decipher want Dobson was saying. I just wish he would come out and say it in plain english.

I like how Janet Folger put it:

"We must now leave the back of the bus and get into the driver's seat by picking a candidate and uniting behind him(Huckabee). With two-thirds of evangelical Christians sitting on the sidelines, we were still the largest voting bloc – 36 percent of the president's vote – in the last election. So with an average presidential primary turnout as low as 7 percent, if we unite, we will select the nominee … period."

Sometimes it takes a woman of God to state the obvious..

pebspicks said...

thanks for the response. great quote by janet folger.

yes, christians now need to unite and rally together behind govenor huckabee. we CAN do this!!

Karen said...

This morning at 4 am when I couldn't sleep, I decided to read some history. (I'm a homeschooling mom.) What I read was very profound, I think, in light of this issue. It is the same principle, different situation. When delegates from the various states met in Philadelphia in the spring of 1787, they were expecting to amend the Articles of Confederation. It was evident that something must be done to correct its flaws. While many were proposing amending the Articles, some men, such as James Madison, George Washington, and Noah Webster, felt we must draw up a whole new Constitution. When delegates heard of the thorough reform proposed, hesitancy, fear and doubt surfaced. Many believed that the half-measures would be far more acceptable in the eyes of the people- any change this complete was sure to fail. George Washington rose and addressed the Convention. His speech included these words:
"If, to please the people, we offer what we ourselves disapprove, how can we afterward defend our work?" and then he urged them to "raise a standard" of the best government they could devise and then trust in the fact that "The event is in the hands of God!" I see a lot of parallels in this to what Dr. Dobson and you have said here regarding backing a candidate for the Presidency.

pebspicks said...

great research! thanks for sharing that. indeed, we can learn alot from our founding fathers.

it truly is about doing what is in our integrity,...and trusting God to do the rest.

great comment, karen..thanks!

greenbird said...

In response to the article regarding Dr. James Dobson and the Interaction between Hannity and Dobson on Friday, Oct. 5th Radio Show.

If you listened to Friday's Radio Show with Sean Hannity with guest Dr. James Dobson, you would have heard the battle between the unseen forces that exists in the media. Hannity asked Dobson how could he live with splitting the christian vote with a third party candidate and in doing so, handing the presidential win to Hillary. Dobson responded (and I paraphase) that he couldn’t lay down to sleep at night knowing that he had voted for Rudy Giuliani who has and does support legislation that allows for the killing of innocent babies and being for partial birth killing-where they suck the brains out of the not yet born children or vote for Fred Thompson who is essentially for gay marriage when there exists better candidates that support Pro-Life and Pro-Marriage issues. You could hear the tension in their voices. Hannity, I believe out of respect for Dobson and his own Catholic background, would have to agree to disagree with Dobson laying his own belief’s aside with supporting a Giuliani type (Giuliani I guess is a supposedly strong candidate for protecting us from terrorist because he lived in New York at the time of 9/11 and appears to be the only one that can beat Hillary-according to Hannity and the media darlings of the secular world), and because Giuliani brings in a lot of political dollars, he’s a top-tier candidate! Face it, Giuliani makes ‘em money with all his controversies. I am certain Mr. Hannity miss-stepped and went down a road that he will regret later when he engaged Dr. Dobson in this way. Not because he engaged him but he allowed himself to show us what he’s really made of.

pebspicks said...


thanks so much for the lowdown on what happened in that interview.
sounded interesting.

i appreciate dr. dobson speaking so candidly about where he stands. it's unfortunate, that apparently, mr. hannity seems to have his 'own agenda' on the issues and canidates.

thanks again!

RGeorgeDunn said...

James Dobson is very much going to remain faithful through the primaries, standing on principle and is going to support the candidate that fits the Christian princple. He mentioned Huckabee as one of them. Ted Nugent has done so also. Ann Colter mentioned Duncan Hunter a good man, but it is Huckabee who is climbing and growing on the Christian list. Even democrats are starting to switch parties to support him.

pebspicks said...

mr. dunn,

thank you for your comments.

yes, it sounds as if dr. dobson is going on his principles.. which is very encouraging.

i think this is a good thing, not only for govenor huckabee and his campaign, but also for the evangelical community at large. it sets a 'model' for other to see. it encourages christians to stand upon their principles FIRST, and trust God to do as He wills.

i also see other demorcrats moving towards govenor huckabee. this is exciting. govenor huckabee truly brings people together on the issues, not only based on the parties.

thank you for your comment!

Monica Clifton said...

How do we get Dobson to get behind Mike Huckabee. This is exactly what my husband and I have been saying for the last week. We had the pleasure of seein Mike Huckabee in Austin, TX this last weekend for a taping of the Texas Montly talk and we love him even more after hearing him talk in person. We need to do everything we can to get the support of Dobson behind this man! He even hopes for it.

pebspicks said...

hi monica,

how exciting that you got to meet govenor huckabee in person!

as far as what we can do for govenor huckabee. GETTING THE WORD OUT IS well as writing letters to dr. dobson, possibly attending the washington briefing, voting at FRC's online straw poll, volunteering, meet ups etc...

many options or "action opportunities" are listed in the ACTION OPS section on the top right of my blog. there are links provided for more information or contact info.

this is so exciting. people are begining to learn about govenor huckabee, and the more you learn...the more you can't help but LIKE MIKE. :)

thanks for your comment! if you need more info, pls don't hesitate to ask!

go huckabee!!!