Sunday, September 30, 2007
Gary Bauer Part 2 : My Response...
sadly, i believe mr. bauer's opinions, may very well reflect that of many christian leaders in washington. similarly, perhaps, this letter should be addressed to those leaders, as well.
Dear Mr. Bauer,
Thank you for your response. I appreciate you taking the time to discuss the issues.
However, I was a bit concerned about your following comments:
"I believe any of the candidates, except Giuliani, would be preferable to Hillary Clinton."
Isn't the fact that Mitt Romney is a mormon, which is considered a cult, fly in the face of what Christianity stands for? Supporting or endorsing a mormon presidential canidate doesn't seem to align with a Christian's values and beliefs.
All things being equal in terms of capacity and competence, wouldn't it be better to have a president that has a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and shares the values and beliefs of the Christian that is voting for him?
"I also think, after hours of private conversations, that all the candidates have flaws, but I will not discuss them publicly."
Yes, everyone has flaws. "There is none righteous, no not one." But in our lack of perfection, in our sinful state, it only reinforces how we NEED GOD in a greater way. For those that do not have or know God personally, how will they reconcile and work out the flaws that are inherently in them? And how will that reflect in the way they live and govern our nation?
"I also think we should all pray a lot before we suggest that any candidate is the candidate Jesus wants. When our Savior returns, there won’t be any elections because he is the King of Kings!"
Amen. When Jesus returns HE WILL BE KING.
Yet, in the meantime, I feel we need to be good stewards of what God has given us. We must exercise wisdom, and make prudent, integritous decisions regarding our choices in authority and government.
Of course, no one can definitively say, "this is the canidate Jesus wants". However, based on what we 'see' and 'know' regarding the canidates. We need only look at what they believe, what they value, what they've done in their lives and careers. We can then make an assessment of who best represents the values of Jesus.
In this case, the dial points directly to Govenor Huckabee. There is no way to take all the top tier canidates, weigh them on the scale of the Christian voter, and NOT choose Govenor Huckabee. He is the only true conservative consistent Christian canidate.
Mr. Bauer, I realize you may think Christian voters to be naive in their approach to politics and this election. We assume that voting in our integrity, for the canidate that best embodies and represents our values and beliefs, to be the natural and right thing to do.
On the other hand, many politicians and Washington insiders, may think otherwise. It may appear too simplistic. But if all Christian leaders encouraged Christians to vote their conscience, to vote for the canidate who best represented and embodied their beliefs. We would have a president that truly represents the Christian vote and it would be unified and powerful.
To play the Washington political game, in hopes of winning on a few issues here and there, seems to be diluting and compromising the main message and mission. Yes, there is a political game going on. But do we, as Christians, with God on our side...have to play along??
Thank you, Mr. Bauer.
i sent this out on friday, september 28, 2007. will keep you updated regarding his response.
onward, christians...onward.....
"humble yourseles in the sight of the Lord, and He will lift you up." james 4:10
Friday, September 28, 2007
Gary Bauer: Letter and Response
it was in response to an article in 'one news now', in which mr. bauer requested second tier GOP presidential hopefuls to pull out of the presidential race. (interesting side note: gary bauer ran for the republican presidential nomination in 1999.)
here is the link to the article.
Dear Mr. Bauer,
I am writing this letter in response to an article from One News Now. In the article, you call for some of the presidential hopefuls in the GOP to pull out of the presidential bid.
Yes, the field is a bit crowded. And yes, there are many canidates that are diluting the conservative Christian vote. However, contrary to what the media is reporting, the canidates that are diluting the vote, are the top tier canidates that DO NOT REPRESENT the Christian conservative vote! They do not represent the values of the Christian voter nor are they proven in executive leadership.
Frankly, I'm a bit puzzled. As a Christian mother of 2 boys, I remember you from years ago. I remember when you and Dr. Dobson would speak of your work in Washington D.C. on behalf of Christians and the family. It seems, somehow things have changed. The current endorsements or preference given by Christian leaders, regarding canidates, do NOT REFLECT the values of the Christian. It is very disappointing.
I've always been apathetic about politics and the political process. I never cared a whit about any of it. That is, until I learned about Govenor Mike Huckabee. His competence as a govenor, his commitment to his faith, his ability to articulate and his integrity and wit. These are just a few reasons why Govenor Huckabee has transformed this stay at home mom, into a grass roots activitst.
Why, Mr. Bauer, are Christian leaders NOT getting behind Govenor Huckabee? Why are they not encouraging the Christian social conservative voter to support him? It is obvious he represents and embodies the values of the Christian voter. Why won't any Christian leaders stand on his behalf?
"Because he can't beat Hillary??". That is the reason I hear so often. Frankly, Govenor Huckabee is the only canidate that can stand toe-to-toe with Hillary, and have any chance of coming out with his life. Not only has he governed a state, unlike all the senator in the race. But he has the verbal skills and quick wit to engage her and still come out ahead a few points. She is a formidable opponent, and it sounds like many, yourself included, are afraid of her occupation of the White House. SO ARE WE, Mr. are we!!!
That's why we need somebody like Govenor Huckabee. He's not the 'good 'ol boy', trying to make it on image alone. Nor is he the 'war veteran', trying to capitalize on his war record. Nor the snazzy 'city boy', trying to parlay the 9/11 tragedy. He is simply a man qualified for the job, committed to God, and able to draw even the cynical Democrat onto his side.
So Huckabee, on paper, is undeniably the man for the job. Yet, the lack of support and seeming opposition from the Christian leaders is hamstringing his efforts.
I simply don't understand. Maybe it's part of the 'political game'? Yet, somehow I remember years ago, you and Dr. Dobson speaking about the goals of what you were embarking upon in Washington. It was about "values", "God", "family" and the "representation of the Christian and family in Washington". What happened, Mr. Bauer?? I don't understand.
At the end of the article in One News Now, you stated, Christians need to remember, "Jesus is not running in the Republican primaries." Indeed, you are right. He is not. But I can't help but think, if He were here voting..."What Would Jesus Do?". And that, Mr. Bauer, is why I support Govenor Mike Huckabee for President.
Thank you for your time.
Thank you for writing me. I have not asked Mike Huckabee to drop out of the race, nor would I ever do so. What I have said is that after another six or seven weeks, if lower tier candidates don’t drop out of the race, we will end up with Rudy Giuliani as the GOP nominee and Hillary as President.
Mrs. T, many Christian leaders are supporting Mike Huckabee, but others have gone with other candidates. I probably won’t endorse anyone, because I have to work with them all on behalf of our pro-life, pro-family movement. As a matter of fact, I just spent an hour with Huckabee, and next week I will be sitting down privately with other candidates.
I believe any of the candidates, except Giuliani, would be preferable to Hillary Clinton. I also think, after hours of private conversations, that all the candidates have flaws, but I will not discuss them publicly.
I also think we should all pray a lot before we suggest that any candidate is the candidate Jesus wants. When our Savior returns, there won’t be any elections because he is the King of Kings!
- Gary L. Bauer
well, i'll let you draw your own conclusions regarding the above. i'm not quite sure what to make of it, apart from the fact that 'politics' seems alive and well.
yet, i do agree with mr. bauer, regarding the need to have some of the lower tier canidates bow out of the GOP race.
friends, please do what you can to help turn the tide and perspective of those around you. it seems we are losing our bearings and values in an effort to play the political game.
let's get back to basics. let's look at what is front of us. let's look at the facts not the politics. qualified, experienced, committed christian, consistent, communicator, integritous....this is mike huckabee.
as mr. bauer suggests, let's pray long and hard and ask God..."What would Jesus do?"...and then....let's do it.
praying, praying, praying....
"He has shown you, o man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you. but to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God?". micah 6:8
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Taking Action: Mormonism and the Media
Christians Won't Elect a Mormon President According to Poll
MEDIA ADVISORY, Sept. 26, 2007, the world's largest Christian portal with twelve million monthly page loads, recently asked, "Would you elect a Mormon for president?" President of ChristiaNet, Bill Cooper, responds, "An overwhelming majority of Christians have spoken on the issue, they won't vote for a Mormon."
Out of 2,000 Christians surveyed, 59% claimed they would not vote to elect a Mormon for president. Most comments resulted from the belief that Mormonism is a cult, "The church of Mormonism is a cult and I would never vote for a cult leader." Most in this category also felt that Mormons were not Christians, "A Mormon is not a Christian, and they don't follow the Bible like Christians do." In fact, almost all responses in this category suggested that a Mormon's belief in Christ and God were contrary to a Christian's belief. "They believe in a different Jesus and a different God," is an example of one such comment.
for more information, here is a site breaking down the differences in Christianity vs. mormonism.
the above article comes on the heels of a day that CBN's david brody devoted 7 blog entries (somewhat of a record, from what i've seen up to now) to mitt romney and his position on various issues.
this just doesn't seem balanced. for example, last week when govenor huckabee overwhelmingly won the values voter straw poll... only a minimal and delayed acknowledgement of the results were reported. there is something wrong here. isn't CBN a christian broadcasting network? i wrote a letter to mr. brody, asking for equity and fairness in reporting.
here's a copy of what i sent to mr. brody:
Dear Mr. Brody,
I couldn't help but notice the 7 blog entries in one day, devoted to Mitt Romney. Although, I have only been reading your column for a couple of weeks, this seems to be somewhat unusual and excessive.
As a supporter of Govenor Mike Huckabee, I can't help but feel there is a lack of equity on reporting.
Please strive to report all the news in a balanced manner. After all, we can go to the main stream media for news reported from a more political or liberal angle. We come to CBN, in hopes of finding news from a Christian perspective.
Thank you kindly,
Thanks so much for writing. I interviewed Mike Huckabee about a month ago and put up 4 clips on my blog PLUS I did a 5 minute 700 Club package on him and I have been writing about him quite extensively. So have a look back at what I have done on Governor Huckabee and you’ll see that I’ve given him very fair treatment.
Have a great day :)
David Brody
friends, i am NOT a letter writer, and i don't particularly enjoy it, either. but recently, i find myself writing letters to media outlets and leaders daily. i feel ill equipped for the task. yet, i feel compelled and convicted to do something. i know it's hard to go outside one's comfort zone (believe me, i know!), but we as a group, MUST TAKE ACTION and do something. we must step out of our comfort zones and act. the media (including the christian media) is not going to 'give us any freebies'...we're gonna have to work for it.
govenor huckabee is probably exhausted on the campaign trail. he is constantly traveling, speaking and getting minimal rest. yet, he is doing his level best to get his message out, and doing his part (the hard part!). we, as christians, and supporters of mike huckabee, must do our part as well.
whether that means giving monetarily, letter writing, phone calling, talking to friends and family, or praying for him. govenor huckabee needs us to be the 'hands and feet' of his campaign. he's only one man, with a limited budget and limited staffing. yet, with a powerful message and vision.
christians, i encourage you to get involved in supporting govenor huckabee in whatever capacity you can. if you don't like letter writing there are options. there are some great blogs with templates of letters you can just sign and send off to media and leaders.
if that's not your cup of tea, maybe you can start or participate in a blog. there are some great informative blogs for huckabee. here are just a few: check my blogroll for more.
if you just can't stand writing, and you're a more verbal type person...maybe just start a casual discussion amongst friends and church goers, on 'why you like mike'. (it doesn't have to be a powerpoint presentation, just why you support him).
or if you just don't wanna write or talk...put a bumper sticker on your car, or volunteer to post signs in your neighborhood. i'm sure as the election nears, there will be a multitude of tangible opportunities to support the govenor in a variety of ways. but they key is to be open and willing to participate.
and for everyone....PRAY PRAY PRAY. we can all do that....we can all ask the Lord to bless govenor huckabee...protect him..cut the path for him...and empower him.
as i mentioned in an earlier post, one upside to this 'grass roots' thing, is that we get to be involved and see the direct impact of our efforts. we get to be part of the team. we get to 'stand up and be counted', for a cause that will have lasting effects upon our families and our nation. this is important stuff, and we get to be a part of it.
come christians, let's make a difference.....let's get involved...let's take action!
"being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ." philippians 1:6
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Huckabee and The Four C's...
this is something we haven't seen in the world of politics in a long time (if ever!). this is what is causing a grass roots movement amongst formerly apathetic christians, disullusioned republicans, unsatisfied democrats and limbo independents alike. this is something special ...THIS IS GOVENOR MIKE HUCKABEE.
mike huckabee is unapologetically a christian. he is pro-life, pro-traditional marriage,
mike huckabee is a man that has a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
he is a man that is not hesitant to share his views and his faith publicly (even in the heat of a cnn debate!). he makes no apologies for his faith. neither is he "mad at anyone" about it, either. he openly talks about it, he believes it...he lives it.
as a christian, the prospect of having a president that knows God personally, is submitted to Him and His word, and actively seeks Him.. is, indeed, an answer to prayer. mike huckabee is a man that understands the hearts, minds and challenges of the christian. mike huckabee is, indeed, a man that comes "from us"...not "to us" on the issues of God and faith.
mike huckabee is competent.
he is not a man running for office purely and solely based on the merits of his faith alone. yes, he is a christian, and for this we are excited. but no, it doesn't stop there... in addition to that...HE IS COMPETENT as a leader.
he has the capacity and the skills to do the job. he is proven. he has governed. he has overseen. he has lead. it's not only what he 'can do' is what he HAS DONE.
he is a christian AND he is competent... a rare gem, indeed. for this reason, christians need to stop and take notice.
mike huckabee is consistent.
webster's definition of the word consistent: holding to the same principles or practice. govenor huckabee is 'today'....what he was 'yesterday'. he is consistent on issues, on values, on faith. what you see is what you get. his record speaks for itself.
there is a great need for consistency within our country, our government, and our leaders. we need to know what to expect from our leaders. we need to have confidence that they are commited to their positions and what they say. we need to feel equally confident that what they say...they will, indeed, do.
mike huckabee is an eloquent and articulate communicator.
govenor huckabee has the unique gift and ability to connect with people and audiences. he has the ability to speak to the issues, as well as to the hearts of the audience. his words give hope, inspiration and direction.
"Gold there is, and rubies in abundance, but lips that speak knowledge are a rare jewel." proverbs 20:15
mike huckabee embodies the four C's. he is a CHRISTIAN, COMPETENT, CONSISTENT, and a COMMUNICATOR. a man like mike huckabee is a gift.
this is a chance, an oppporutnity to turn the tide of our country. an opportunity to bring back the values and faith that made this nation great. this is a chance to elect a leader that undertands the values and concerns of the christian. a man that can lead our country with a heart submitted to God, equipped with the competency to do the job, the consistency and committment to see it through, and the gift of communication to convey his vision to the people.
christians, we MUST come together. we MUST start something. we MUST DO SOMETHING.
this is an opening, a chance, an opportunity to impact change for the good. we must not allow 'politics' and the 'agendas of political parties' to dictate our leader.
we, as christian voters MUST CHOOSE which canidate best embodies our values and beliefs.
we MUST CHOOSE which canidate is competent in the task of governing. we MUST CHOOSE a canidate that has been consistent on where he stands on the issues. a canidate that is committed to seeing it through. a canidate that can articulate his vision to those around.
come on...let's go...let's do it!!!
"the name of the Lord is a strong tower, the righteous run to it and are safe." proverbs 18:10
christians for mike huckabee
Saturday, September 22, 2007
"VERTICAL DAY": Monday, September 24, 2007
govenor huckabee is planning a VERTICAL DAY on september 24, 2007, monday. it will be a 24 hour event, with exciting interaction, information, and discussion with govenor mike huckabee. i think one of the most exciting things about this grass roots thing.. is that we can directly see our impact and we can be personally involved with the govenor and his efforts. you really feel like a "part of the process, a part of the team. "
here's what govenor huckabee had to say, as an introduction to VERTICAL DAY.
Everywhere I go on the campaign trail, I meet voters with a real thirst for a healthy discussion of the issues. Ultimately, people don't care whether an issue comes from the left or the right. What they want to talk about are ideas that lift America up and make us better. It's what I call "Vertical Politics."
On Monday, our campaign has set aside 24 hours, for what we are calling a "Vertical Day". The focus of Vertical Day will be a discussion of the most important issues facing America. The plan is to promote my positions on these issues through video and personal blogs, and to have an online conversation with voters about our ideas, the solutions we see possible, our hopes for America and the challenges we face.
I'd like you to be a part of Vertical Day. I encourage you to tell your friends, family members and co-workers about it and ask them to participate. Vertical Day will start on Monday, September 24 and end on Tuesday, Sept. 25. I'm excited about this opportunity. With your help, and the power of the Internet, we will be able to involve thousands of voters all across America and truly build excitement around this discussion of issues.
To encourage you to make the time to be a part of Vertical Day, my campaign team has put together an incentive package that I hope will be fun and also create buzz and excitement. First, we've created a special Vertical Day page on our website, where you can view the 24 hours of online content we have pulled together.
We also have created a very simple online tool that will give you the ability to promote Vertical Day to your friends, family members and co-workers. We've developed a package of rewards based upon the number of people you are able to get to visit the website. As a way to cap off Vertical Day, we'll enter the names of each of our top promoters into a raffle. On Tuesday, September 25 at 3 p.m., we will draw two names who will receive special invitations to be my personal guests to the YouTube Debate on November 28 in St. Petersburg, FL.
I will have more details for you soon. In the meantime, please mark Monday, Sept. 24 down on your calendars.
okay, christians....let's get ready for vertical day. remember, it's not only about thinking vertically in terms of our government...but also thinking vertically in terms of our faith...PRAYING...PRAYING...PRAYING. remember...GOD IS ON THE THRONE!!
"..the effective, fervent prayer of a righeous man avails much." james 5:16b
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Taking Evangelical Leaders to Task...
this excerpt is govenor mike huckabee commenting regarding republicans and evangelical christian leaders.
“If Republicans in this election vote in such a way as to say a candidate’s personal life and personal conduct in office doesn’t matter,” said Huckabee, “then a lot of Christian evangelical leaders owe Bill Clinton a public apology.”
“I’m specifically referencing Christian evangelical leaders who were the most vocal in saying back during the Clinton era that personal behavior, personal responsibility and character were the key factors in a president’s criteria.”
He accused those leaders of selling out to the Republican Party.‘‘That’s my challenge to Christian leaders — either be consistent, be Christian leaders or just say I’m a political boss and it’s really about the power,’’ he said.
“What’s at stake,” Huckabee said, “is the credibility of religious conservatives.”‘‘Christian leaders need to be Christian leaders, not Republican leaders,’’ he said.
recently, i was listening to a popular christian radio station. i was appalled to hear the comments of a well respected evangelical pastor regarding fred thompson, and also his opinion regarding what he felt were the qualifications for a canidate for the president of the united states.
i don't have the transcript, so i don't have his words vertabum. but essentially, in my own words, this is what he said...
'fred thompson? well, fred is a straight shooter, a good guy. people ask about a 'christian president'. i don't think a president needs to be a christian. he can be a nominal christian. as long as the canidate has a good moral base, to be able to make good decisions.
presidents in the past weren't particularly strong christians, and they did allright. the only openly christian president, was jimmy carter. he was labeled the 'born-again canidate'. and he didn't do very well as president. now, if you're looking for a pastor...then you want him to be a christian. but the president? it's not necessary.
i hate discussing politics, it's one of my least favorite subjects.'
gee wiz, i can see why! his comments could be so easily miscontrued and misapplied by the listening audience...resulting in potential backlash (not to mention letters and emails) directed at him.
okay, i see what this pastor is trying to say... he'd rather have a competent 'nominal christian' than an 'incompetent christian' president. point taken. about if the canidate is a CHRISTIAN AND COMPETENT?? (i realize based on history, that sounds somewhat like a contradiction, but...) wouldn't that be a homerun for the christian community and the nation?
that's why, we as christians, are so excited about mike huckabee. up to now, there has been no competent christian canidate to choose from. nobody that had a solid christian foundation, yet could still efficiently and effectively run a government, and could communicate with those on the other side of the aisle. until now....mike huckabee is causing a grass roots movement amongst christians. causing the 'up to now apathetics' (myself included) to get up off the couch and fight and vocalize for his canidacy.
i feel the remarks of this pastor were somewhat irresponsible. as a christian leader, i would think he would be extremely careful regarding his comments. christian leaders are so careful not to endorse any canidates and not get involved in anything political. yet, to make a general comment like the above, is to me, very disappointing. i don't mean to single out this pastor in particular. but it does seem to be symptomatic and indicative of what's going on within the evangelical church and with it's leaders.
essentially, it says to christians, "you don't have to look at their spiritual or personal life. it doesn't matter. as long as they're qualified on paper." but taking that at face value...isn't that a bit misleading, and potentially in the wrong direction? it's as govenor huckabee mentioned above regarding clinton. so much of what is currently happening in our nation has to do with drawing the lines of morality and values. and the values of america are not on the rise. essentially, doesn't one's personal values dictate how one will run his own personal life and in turn how one will make moral decisions effecting the nation?
when he mentions that 'as long as they have good morals to make good decisions'. well, for those that are non-christians or 'nominal christians'....what do you think shapes their morals, values and beliefs?? just 'being a good person'???? that's so subjective. wouldn't it be BETTER to have a leader that is submitted to God, has his values based on the bible?? and taking that solid foundation then integrating it with the skills required for president. combining all of this, to create a well rounded leader of our nation??
my 14 year old son, heard the pastors comments and said this, "gee, in the bible, they had good kings and bad kings. under the bad kings' leadership, it caused corruption and decline of the people's relationships with God. and the country often declined. but under the good kings there was renewal, rebuilding, a focus back onto God... spiritual health...blessings. isn't that what we want for america? wouldn't it be better to have a good king leading our country, too?"
boy, isn't that kid great? it seems so basic, so simple. why are people getting so lost in all of this?? critics might say, "you're being so naive to believe we can just vote for the man that best represents our christian values and beliefs, and believe that he can win. this is politics, you know!".
indeed, it is politics. and that's the sad part. as govenor huckabee pointed out above. many of the christian conservatives are getting lured into being "political"..."republican"...and might be very well losing their roots of 'christian conservative' in the process.
that's why, i'm not particuarly excited about the upcoming christian or 'values based' debates. it seems as if the christian leaders are looking through different colored glasses...political glasses. i'm honestly not sure what they'll come up with..and frankly am a bit scared to find out. will they see the truth? or will they opt for the 'political path'?? that remains to be seen.
maybe it's time for christians to take a step back. not only to assess the field of canidates running for the presidency...but to take a good hard look at the christian leaders that are endorsing and not endorsing the canidates.
maybe we can look to these christian leaders as pastors....but like the pastor eluded to above...not anything beyond that. that would be so sad. we depend upon our christian leaders to guide us with wisdom and discernment. unfortunately, i hope and pray 'politics' and 'the republican way' may not become a barrier.
i hope this is not taken wrongly. i don't mean to be harsh. yet, i feel it is a point that deserves addressing. i hope and pray christian leaders will wake up from the stupor of 'political agendas' and 'popular choice'. i pray they will see the truth before them...and will be able to step up and out with conviction.
after all, would you rather be living in a kingdom under a 'good king'... or a 'nominal king'...or a 'bad king'??? take a quick review of 2 chronicles..and i think the choice will be easy.
blessing to you...
"all judah rejoiced about the oath because they had sworn it wholeheartedly. they sought God eagerly, and he was found by them. so the Lord gave them rest on every side." 2 chronicles 15:15
Monday, September 10, 2007
Don't we WANT a Canidate that Reflects our Values??
entire article found here:
i'm going to start with a disclaimer. the following may be perceived as harsh but i feel this needs to be addressed. (here goes nothin)...
the above quote by Wildmon is exactly the reason why our country is such a mess, and one of the reasons why the evangelical christian community has no leverage or impact on government or society.
the leaders of the christian community... if they don't understand, and can't act on their convictions. if they don't set an example. what do you expect the rest of the christian community to do? the community follows the same rules of compromise. we go down the road a ways... post election... and find christians complaining that our government isn't sensitive to our issues and that our nation is in the midst of moral decay. but how did we get there???
my 14 year old son read the quote by wildmon and replied,
"but isn't that the purpose of voting? aren't we suppose to vote for the canidate that best reflects our values? if all the christians voted for the canidate that best reflected our values and beliefs...that canidate WOULD BE ABLE TO WIN."
out of the mouths of babes, indeed. what is so difficult to understand?? why can't people see what's happening? is it just too simple?
it's like a size 42R men's suit. evangelical leaders are trying so hard to get a size 46L canidate to squeeze into and fit into a 42R. it may look like it fits for few minutes in the soft lighting of the store and with the salesperson's pitch...but inevitably, the man has to exhale. the man has to drop his arms that have been scrunched into the sleeves. the man has to try and walk and move in that suit. the suit begins to rip at the seams and fall apart. he just can't do it. it just doesn't fit. you can't make it fit. why not just get a 42R man, to wear the 42R suit?? is this rocket science?
i am so disappointed in the lack of discernment and irresponsibility of these christian leaders. if they don't have eyes to see....if they can't reconcile their values...if they can't act on their convictions.....we can't expect the sheep in the community to do otherwise. hence, the pattern begins, and the perpetuation of this compromising continues. as a result, the nation continues in it's liberal ways. taking us further and further away from our roots in the christian faith.
below is the contact address to the family research council. if you feel so inclined, you can express your thoughts regarding the 'electability' issues of christian candiates. and the role evangelical leaders play in shaping the hearts and minds of the christian community.
how we need christians and christian leaders to quit playing the 'political game'. we need to identify the canidate that best reflects our judeo-christian beliefs and support and endorse that canidate. clearly, the top canidate that meets that cirteria within the GOP, is mike huckabee. all other canidates are either blatantly opposed to traditional christian values, or they are border-line-with an inconsistent history-or the flip flopping issue. just look at the facts.
like i said before...this isn't rocket science.
as much as i continue to pray for christian leaders to step up. if they can't see it. if they can't speak out....we, as christians, must do it ourselves. we must become grass roots oriented, and inform and encourage fellow christians to 'look beyond the label', 'to search for fruit', 'to evaluate what shapes our values and beliefs', 'to get off the bench and get ready to play', 'to get the word out', 'to arm ourselves for battle'.... to get pray.
hold strong, dear christian....
"for the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him." 2 chronicles 16:9
christians for mike huckabee
Friday, September 7, 2007
"...For We Wrestle Not Against Flesh and Blood..."
what is going on in our country? our world? why is our nation and it's values degrading at such an alarming rate? what's happening to the american family? what is happening to our youth? why so much violence? how can the value of human life become so disposable? why is the media so liberal? how can people blow themselves up and kill and attack innocent people? the world is spinning out of control.....why? why?? why???
"for we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rules of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places." ephesians 6:12
it's a battle, folks. and we're right smack in the middle of it. we all know that we are living in the end times. the climate of our world and the things going on within it, confirms this. like it or not.... we are in a battle.
whether it be international and foreign issues, the sanctity of human life, the state of marriage and the family, the prevelance of violence within our society, or even the canidacy for the's all about power and control. who wants it...who has it....and what they're gonna do to get it and keep it.
it's clear that our current world is succumbing to the power of the enemy. call it satan, demons, evil, the dark side..whatever. but God has allowed satan to rule the world for a time. and the evidence of his power and control is clearly rampant throughout the world.
HOWEVER....the good news is.... we as christians, have been equipped with the armor of God. we have the Holy Spirit. we have God going before us and with us. we have His promise that 'He will never leave us or forsake us'. we have the hope and comfort of knowing that God will have the ultimate victory. and also, we as christians...HAVE A CHOICE.
we are given the 'gift of free will' and choice. in the same way we can choose to accept Jesus and have a personal relationship with Him. we also have the choice as to how we will live out and walk our lives with Him.
what does that mean? it do we as christians live out our faith?? is it helping someone in need? is it being obedient to God's Word? is it being dilligent, truthful? is it being a faithful husband, wife or parent? the list can go on and on...and yes, these are all wonderful manifestations of living out one's faith in obedience to God. however, i think as christians, we may be missing a "big one". one that seems to slip through the cracks and often gets avoided and glossed over. an area in whch not many christians dare tread.... politics and government.
just the word "politics" is enough to send shivers and illicit shudders amongst the average christian. as christians, we just 'don't go there'. and frankly, i never did before either. and you know what? i have no idea why. except that it just seemed somehow irrelevant or maybe even 'unspiritual'??
i don't think until more recently, did i ever see the connection between politics, government and our spiritual lives. maybe the media has done too good of a job selling the 'separation of church and state' story to all of us. or maybe i was just too apathetic and comfortable in my little christian world to bother or even notice.
i think for many of us, the realities of the world and what's going on it it...don't penetrate our insulated lives. whether it be terrorism or the sanctity of human life. we hear about it, we read about it..but until it touches us personally...not many of us really understand or feel a need to get involved.
there is no denying, and we can all clearly see... the shift in our world. it is no longer in "God we trust" it is no longer 'one nation under God'. many people are working hard to change that. in fact, many of the rights of christians have been challenged and double standards in relation to other religions applied. for example, in public schools, christians are prohibited from meeting for an after school bible study. in contrast, one hour a day in the middle of the school day is allocated for muslims to have prayer time. teacher supervision and speakers are provided for these students. what's wrong with this picture? overcompensation...double standards. what are the rights of the christian?
this is just one small example. so what are we as christians going to do about it?
pray? YES! absolutely!!! but what else? complain? get discouraged? give up? NO!!!
in nehemiah, God's people were trying to rebuild the wall. they experienced opposition. so what did they do?
"so it was, from that time on, that half of my servants worked at construction, while the other half held the spears, shields, the bows, and the armor; and the leaders were behind all the house of judah.
those who built on the wall, and those who carried burdens, loaded themselves so that with one hand they worked at construction and with the other held a weapon. every one of the builders had his sword girded at his side as he built. and the one who sounded the trumpet was beside me.
then i said to the nobles, the rules and the rest of the people, 'the work is great and extensive, and we are separated far from one another on the wall.
whenever you hear the sound of the trumpet, rally to us there. our God will fight for us." nehemiah 4: 16-18
God's people armed themselves and set a watch. God's people understood their roles and worked dilligently. God's people rallied together, to call upon the Lord. God's people successfully rebuilt the wall.
one thing to understand, dear christian...this is not about politics, or hillary or the republican party. this is a spiritual battle. and we as christians, must CHOOSE to get involved in the rebuilding of the wall. we need to pray...YES, ABSOLUTELY! but we also MUST ACT. God's people prayed..but they also 'set a watch' and worked dilligently. we MUST PARTICIPATE and take practical steps in the rebuilding of the wall.
" not be afraid of them. remember the Lord great and awesome, and fight for your brethren, your sons, your daughters, your wives, and your houses." nehemiah 4:14b
christians, this is not just about 'us'. it is about our children, our families...our nation.
truthfully, we can't expect things to just 'go our christian way'. the enemy is working hard to keep control, and the trend towards a God-less nation is successfully gaining momentum.
we need a leader that will help stem the tide. we need a leader, a modern-day-nehemiah to stand in the gap and help lead, direct, rally and rebuild our nation. i truly believe mike huckabee is that man. he has received so much opposition on his path to the presidency thus far, and this will no doubt continue. the enemy does not want the leader of our nation to be a devout christian. a man dedicated to the principles of God and the Bible. this would alter his plan entirely. hence, we can expect fierce opposition to ensue.
mike huckabee clearly represents a shift towards God. now that is not something satan or the world will welcome or readily embrace. on the contrary, it's not going to be easy. it will be a fierce battle. so the questions are...what are we as christians going to do to help change that? what are going to do to help shift the tide? what are we going to do???
it's time christians...we need to rebuild the wall in our nation. we need to work dilligently and get involved , we need to arm ourselves and set a watch...we need to rally together and call upon the Lord. we need to commit to this endeavor.
after all, if we as christians don't do it....who will?
"you are of God, little children and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world." 1 john 4:4
Sunday, September 2, 2007
Where's the Fruit??
i encourage you to read it. the article is fantastic. it is well written, and the message is clear. but that's not what impressed me the most. what impressed me the most was that authors: stephen strang, thomas harrington and anthony bonna.. all took a stand. these men stepped out (even before the ames breakthrough) to speak out on behalf of what they believed to be the christian alternative for the presidential canidacy...mike huckabee.
in the current environment, with restrictictions being placed upon christians, and christian is so refreshing to see somebody STEP OUT. to see somebody speak forth their convictions, inform and challenge the christian community...and not in a half hearted manner, but with gusto...with conviction. kudos to these men!nowadays, just by might think our country was going through a christian revival of sorts. after all, books like, "the purpose driven life", "left behind" were both best sellers. cross stickers and fish on the backs of cars and windows seem to be ever increasing. many christian musicians are gaining popularity and are crossing over to the secular genre. celebrities and high profile people are talking about "God" and "blessings" and "prayer".
so what gives? if, in fact, christianity is at an all time high...why is our country at an "all time low"??
there are probably several reasons. but one reason i believe stands out, is the lack of fruit in people's lives.
so "why is fruit lacking?"....
"abide in Me, and I in you. as the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me. I am the vine, you are the branches. he who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing." john 15:4-5
without Jesus and the Holy Spirit....we are nothing and can do nothing. we can't "make our own fruit"...only by abiding in God, ('making our home with God') can we produce fruit. no matter how much an apple tree want to produce an apple...if it's not connected to the won't produce a single piece of fruit.
i'm not questioning anybody's salvation, or the authenticity of their faith in God. but to differentiate and discern between what people "say" .... we must see what they "do". there must be consistencies. we must look for FRUIT. anybody and everybody can claim christianity and faith in God. in fact,'s kinda hip! but we're not looking for a fad...we're looking for authenticity.
a tree can claim to be an apple tree. but until you see an actual apple come could be a cactus, for all you know.
many people can profess their faith in God, they can use the spiritual words and phrases ....BUT WHERE'S THE FRUIT?? are they abiding in God?
"you will know them by their fruits. do men gather grapes from thornbushes or figs from thistles? even so, every good tree bears good fruit but a bad tree bears bad fruit . therefore, by their fruits you will know them." matthew 7:17, 20
we must be cautious, christians...there are many canidates in the presidential race, who are trying to associate themselves with 'God' and the 'religious right'. we must be discerning. we must look for fruit and consistencies in their lives...not just a convenient sound byte or endorsement.
in mike huckabee...i see fruit. in mike huckabee.. i'm told he's an apple tree...and i see apples.
this is significant. we need a leader that is PROVEN. we need to know there is a history of fruit in his personal life and career. we don't want to be promised an apple tree..only to find out only produces lemons.
bear in mind, having the benefit of a fruitful abiding leader....we have a much better chance for a 'fruitful abiding nation'. maybe giving our country a chance to truly experience spiritual renewal and revival!
christians, there is "hope" in mike huckabee!!
christians for mike huckabee