Saturday, September 22, 2007

"VERTICAL DAY": Monday, September 24, 2007

good news, friends!!

govenor huckabee is planning a VERTICAL DAY on september 24, 2007, monday. it will be a 24 hour event, with exciting interaction, information, and discussion with govenor mike huckabee. i think one of the most exciting things about this grass roots thing.. is that we can directly see our impact and we can be personally involved with the govenor and his efforts. you really feel like a "part of the process, a part of the team. "

here's what govenor huckabee had to say, as an introduction to VERTICAL DAY.

Everywhere I go on the campaign trail, I meet voters with a real thirst for a healthy discussion of the issues. Ultimately, people don't care whether an issue comes from the left or the right. What they want to talk about are ideas that lift America up and make us better. It's what I call "Vertical Politics."

On Monday, our campaign has set aside 24 hours, for what we are calling a "Vertical Day". The focus of Vertical Day will be a discussion of the most important issues facing America. The plan is to promote my positions on these issues through video and personal blogs, and to have an online conversation with voters about our ideas, the solutions we see possible, our hopes for America and the challenges we face.

I'd like you to be a part of Vertical Day. I encourage you to tell your friends, family members and co-workers about it and ask them to participate. Vertical Day will start on Monday, September 24 and end on Tuesday, Sept. 25. I'm excited about this opportunity. With your help, and the power of the Internet, we will be able to involve thousands of voters all across America and truly build excitement around this discussion of issues.

To encourage you to make the time to be a part of Vertical Day, my campaign team has put together an incentive package that I hope will be fun and also create buzz and excitement. First, we've created a special Vertical Day page on our website, where you can view the 24 hours of online content we have pulled together.

We also have created a very simple online tool that will give you the ability to promote Vertical Day to your friends, family members and co-workers. We've developed a package of rewards based upon the number of people you are able to get to visit the website. As a way to cap off Vertical Day, we'll enter the names of each of our top promoters into a raffle. On Tuesday, September 25 at 3 p.m., we will draw two names who will receive special invitations to be my personal guests to the YouTube Debate on November 28 in St. Petersburg, FL.

I will have more details for you soon. In the meantime, please mark Monday, Sept. 24 down on your calendars.

okay, christians....let's get ready for vertical day. remember, it's not only about thinking vertically in terms of our government...but also thinking vertically in terms of our faith...PRAYING...PRAYING...PRAYING. remember...GOD IS ON THE THRONE!!

"..the effective, fervent prayer of a righeous man avails much." james 5:16b


OneMom said...

Hi - I wanted to let you know that Richard Land of the southern baptist convention is at it again. We need to mobilize.

The post is at my blog.

We need to pray.


pebspicks said...

will do!

i am in the process of writing a letter to richard land. unfortuantely, his radio show is not available in my area, so an email will have to suffice.

definitely praying!!!
keep up the great work!