Saturday, September 15, 2007

Taking Evangelical Leaders to Task...

the following excerpt was posted as a response by jeremy at one mom's blog, under "christians for huckabee." this is an excellent post by kerry, and hope you take a moment to read it.

this excerpt is govenor mike huckabee commenting regarding republicans and evangelical christian leaders.

“If Republicans in this election vote in such a way as to say a candidate’s personal life and personal conduct in office doesn’t matter,” said Huckabee, “then a lot of Christian evangelical leaders owe Bill Clinton a public apology.”

“I’m specifically referencing Christian evangelical leaders who were the most vocal in saying back during the Clinton era that personal behavior, personal responsibility and character were the key factors in a president’s criteria.”

He accused those leaders of selling out to the Republican Party.‘‘That’s my challenge to Christian leaders — either be consistent, be Christian leaders or just say I’m a political boss and it’s really about the power,’’ he said.

“What’s at stake,” Huckabee said, “is the credibility of religious conservatives.”‘‘Christian leaders need to be Christian leaders, not Republican leaders,’’ he said.

recently, i was listening to a popular christian radio station. i was appalled to hear the comments of a well respected evangelical pastor regarding fred thompson, and also his opinion regarding what he felt were the qualifications for a canidate for the president of the united states.

i don't have the transcript, so i don't have his words vertabum. but essentially, in my own words, this is what he said...

'fred thompson? well, fred is a straight shooter, a good guy. people ask about a 'christian president'. i don't think a president needs to be a christian. he can be a nominal christian. as long as the canidate has a good moral base, to be able to make good decisions.

presidents in the past weren't particularly strong christians, and they did allright. the only openly christian president, was jimmy carter. he was labeled the 'born-again canidate'. and he didn't do very well as president. now, if you're looking for a pastor...then you want him to be a christian. but the president? it's not necessary.

i hate discussing politics, it's one of my least favorite subjects.'

gee wiz, i can see why! his comments could be so easily miscontrued and misapplied by the listening audience...resulting in potential backlash (not to mention letters and emails) directed at him.

okay, i see what this pastor is trying to say... he'd rather have a competent 'nominal christian' than an 'incompetent christian' president. point taken. about if the canidate is a CHRISTIAN AND COMPETENT?? (i realize based on history, that sounds somewhat like a contradiction, but...) wouldn't that be a homerun for the christian community and the nation?

that's why, we as christians, are so excited about mike huckabee. up to now, there has been no competent christian canidate to choose from. nobody that had a solid christian foundation, yet could still efficiently and effectively run a government, and could communicate with those on the other side of the aisle. until now....mike huckabee is causing a grass roots movement amongst christians. causing the 'up to now apathetics' (myself included) to get up off the couch and fight and vocalize for his canidacy.

i feel the remarks of this pastor were somewhat irresponsible. as a christian leader, i would think he would be extremely careful regarding his comments. christian leaders are so careful not to endorse any canidates and not get involved in anything political. yet, to make a general comment like the above, is to me, very disappointing. i don't mean to single out this pastor in particular. but it does seem to be symptomatic and indicative of what's going on within the evangelical church and with it's leaders.

essentially, it says to christians, "you don't have to look at their spiritual or personal life. it doesn't matter. as long as they're qualified on paper." but taking that at face value...isn't that a bit misleading, and potentially in the wrong direction? it's as govenor huckabee mentioned above regarding clinton. so much of what is currently happening in our nation has to do with drawing the lines of morality and values. and the values of america are not on the rise. essentially, doesn't one's personal values dictate how one will run his own personal life and in turn how one will make moral decisions effecting the nation?

when he mentions that 'as long as they have good morals to make good decisions'. well, for those that are non-christians or 'nominal christians'....what do you think shapes their morals, values and beliefs?? just 'being a good person'???? that's so subjective. wouldn't it be BETTER to have a leader that is submitted to God, has his values based on the bible?? and taking that solid foundation then integrating it with the skills required for president. combining all of this, to create a well rounded leader of our nation??

my 14 year old son, heard the pastors comments and said this, "gee, in the bible, they had good kings and bad kings. under the bad kings' leadership, it caused corruption and decline of the people's relationships with God. and the country often declined. but under the good kings there was renewal, rebuilding, a focus back onto God... spiritual health...blessings. isn't that what we want for america? wouldn't it be better to have a good king leading our country, too?"

boy, isn't that kid great? it seems so basic, so simple. why are people getting so lost in all of this?? critics might say, "you're being so naive to believe we can just vote for the man that best represents our christian values and beliefs, and believe that he can win. this is politics, you know!".

indeed, it is politics. and that's the sad part. as govenor huckabee pointed out above. many of the christian conservatives are getting lured into being "political"..."republican"...and might be very well losing their roots of 'christian conservative' in the process.

that's why, i'm not particuarly excited about the upcoming christian or 'values based' debates. it seems as if the christian leaders are looking through different colored glasses...political glasses. i'm honestly not sure what they'll come up with..and frankly am a bit scared to find out. will they see the truth? or will they opt for the 'political path'?? that remains to be seen.

maybe it's time for christians to take a step back. not only to assess the field of canidates running for the presidency...but to take a good hard look at the christian leaders that are endorsing and not endorsing the canidates.

maybe we can look to these christian leaders as pastors....but like the pastor eluded to above...not anything beyond that. that would be so sad. we depend upon our christian leaders to guide us with wisdom and discernment. unfortunately, i hope and pray 'politics' and 'the republican way' may not become a barrier.

i hope this is not taken wrongly. i don't mean to be harsh. yet, i feel it is a point that deserves addressing. i hope and pray christian leaders will wake up from the stupor of 'political agendas' and 'popular choice'. i pray they will see the truth before them...and will be able to step up and out with conviction.

after all, would you rather be living in a kingdom under a 'good king'... or a 'nominal king'...or a 'bad king'??? take a quick review of 2 chronicles..and i think the choice will be easy.

blessing to you...

"all judah rejoiced about the oath because they had sworn it wholeheartedly. they sought God eagerly, and he was found by them. so the Lord gave them rest on every side." 2 chronicles 15:15


OneMom said...

This is an excellent commentary about the state of Christianity in politics. You are so right in pointing out that we have a competent Christian leader in Mike Huckabee, and yet the Christian base is blinded by the hollywood glitz of the likes of Thompson and Romney (I'm sorry, but how can any Christian vote for a mormon?).


pebspicks said...

thanks, kerry.

i hear ya.

ya know, i can see why...possibly over time, the evangelical leaders have become somewhat cynical, jaded and 'political'...just in an act of survival. after all, until huckabee, there haven't been any viable competent christian canidates to be found anywhere in the field.

i think, over the years, maybe they've become so used to 'playing the political game' it's hard to stop? but the exciting thing is with huckabee, they don't have to!!! yet, right now, it seems like the 'forest from the trees'.

i can't help but think of the story of the blind man....we need the scales to fall off!!!

and if and when they do, pray that they'll be courageous enough to step forward.

as i continue to pray for huckabee, i'm comforted to know..GOD IS ON THE THRONE!


pebspicks said...

the people see!!!! they see!!! yipeee!!!

the delegates at the values voter debate have cast their votes.... 63% to govenor huckabee!!!

i pray this will help galvanize the christian base, and cause more leaders to step up and out for govenor huckabee.

please keep praying!
go huckabee!!!

Karen said...

I think your comments are right on! I came to this site through, and I came to be his supporter after watching the Values Voter Debate on Sky Angel. My husband and I didn't know anything about Gov. Huckabee until the debate, but we both thought he was great! I've researched more about him, and I'm now excited about his candidacy! I, too, am concerned about Christian leaders and Christian media. The debate was so well publicized, but the results of the straw poll were not. They seem to still be favoring Thompson. I pray that we can all get behind Mike Huckabee and get him elected!

pebspicks said...

well said, karen! and welcome to team huckabee!!

yes, mike huckabee is a man that christians can really get excited about and support. he's the real deal.

since the media and the christian leadership has yet to step out on his really falls onto us, and the grass roots efforts, to help govenor huckabee get noticed and elected.

so glad you came by to visit. hope to see you often!

keep praying....sharing with friends and family.

go huckabee!!!