entire article found here:
i'm going to start with a disclaimer. the following may be perceived as harsh but i feel this needs to be addressed. (here goes nothin)...
the above quote by Wildmon is exactly the reason why our country is such a mess, and one of the reasons why the evangelical christian community has no leverage or impact on government or society.
the leaders of the christian community... if they don't understand, and can't act on their convictions. if they don't set an example. what do you expect the rest of the christian community to do? the community follows the same rules of compromise. we go down the road a ways... post election... and find christians complaining that our government isn't sensitive to our issues and that our nation is in the midst of moral decay. but how did we get there???
my 14 year old son read the quote by wildmon and replied,
"but isn't that the purpose of voting? aren't we suppose to vote for the canidate that best reflects our values? if all the christians voted for the canidate that best reflected our values and beliefs...that canidate WOULD BE ABLE TO WIN."
out of the mouths of babes, indeed. what is so difficult to understand?? why can't people see what's happening? is it just too simple?
it's like a size 42R men's suit. evangelical leaders are trying so hard to get a size 46L canidate to squeeze into and fit into a 42R. it may look like it fits for few minutes in the soft lighting of the store and with the salesperson's pitch...but inevitably, the man has to exhale. the man has to drop his arms that have been scrunched into the sleeves. the man has to try and walk and move in that suit. the suit begins to rip at the seams and fall apart. he just can't do it. it just doesn't fit. you can't make it fit. why not just get a 42R man, to wear the 42R suit?? is this rocket science?
i am so disappointed in the lack of discernment and irresponsibility of these christian leaders. if they don't have eyes to see....if they can't reconcile their values...if they can't act on their convictions.....we can't expect the sheep in the community to do otherwise. hence, the pattern begins, and the perpetuation of this compromising continues. as a result, the nation continues in it's liberal ways. taking us further and further away from our roots in the christian faith.
below is the contact address to the family research council. if you feel so inclined, you can express your thoughts regarding the 'electability' issues of christian candiates. and the role evangelical leaders play in shaping the hearts and minds of the christian community.
how we need christians and christian leaders to quit playing the 'political game'. we need to identify the canidate that best reflects our judeo-christian beliefs and support and endorse that canidate. clearly, the top canidate that meets that cirteria within the GOP, is mike huckabee. all other canidates are either blatantly opposed to traditional christian values, or they are border-line-with an inconsistent history-or the flip flopping issue. just look at the facts.
like i said before...this isn't rocket science.
as much as i continue to pray for christian leaders to step up. if they can't see it. if they can't speak out....we, as christians, must do it ourselves. we must become grass roots oriented, and inform and encourage fellow christians to 'look beyond the label', 'to search for fruit', 'to evaluate what shapes our values and beliefs', 'to get off the bench and get ready to play', 'to get the word out', 'to arm ourselves for battle'.... to get involved....to pray.
hold strong, dear christian....
"for the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him." 2 chronicles 16:9
christians for mike huckabee
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