Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Rank and File: It's Time to Stretch...

after watching governor huckabee in the values voters summit and the gop debate this past weekend, i am even MORE convinced and committed as to his strength and electability for the presidency. the house was rockin!

unfortunately, i am also even MORE convinced, that the current christian leadership is NOT at all interested or supportive of governor huckabee. whether it be his multiple straw poll wins, his rise in the iowa polls or his increased traction. it is simply irrelevant to them.

a recent article by marc ambinder of the atlantic co., had this to say about why christian leadership are not supporting governor huckabee.

the SoCon establishment in Washington fears Huckabee because Huckabee can empower social conservatives DIRECTLY, without the mediating influence, or dollars, of the SoCon establishment.

Huckabee has an independent streak. The establishment is threatened. Their interests are at stake and they want candidates who are beholden to them. Huckabee doesn't fit the bill.

regarding the christian leadership's support of mitt romney:

Sources say that a rough consensus has not gelled among the 40 or so evangelical leaders who met in private this weekend to figure out what to do next. Some are resigned -- not enthusiastic about, but resigned -- to the candidacy of Mitt Romney. The hope is that he feel indebted to social conservatives if they rally around him and will be thus inspired to reward them somehow in office.

unfortunately, the above theories are disgusting to me, but do make alot of sense. it is painfully clear, that these leaders have their own agendas. agendas that DO NOT include governor huckabee. it is also abundantly clear, that despite the ongoing correspondence with many of these leaders.... these leaders have no intention of changing their positions regarding governor huckabee. they seem to have a vested interest.

obviously, there there is a significant difference between what christian leadership deems important, and what the rank and file evangelical voter values. as clearly evidenced at the values voter summit in washington d.c. this past weekend.

yesterday, an article in time magazine addressed this very issue in "huckabee's bid for the christian right". author amy sullivan highlighted the struggle and fundamental differences between christian leadership, and the rank and file christian voter.

The conflict has been brewing underneath the surface, but the results of the straw poll at Saturday's Values Voters Summit made it official: the real struggle in the 2008 Republican primaries will be not between Rudy Giuliani and Mitt Romney or social conservatives and fiscal conservatives but between Christian Right leaders and the conservatives in the pews.
entire article found here.

i believe ms. sullivan's comments to ring very true. (see archived post: "christian leaders gone astray")

a wise christian leader recently told me, (paraphrased) "we have a representative government. therefore, we must vote for the candidate that BEST REPRESENTS US and OUR VALUES."

christians, we cannot allow ourselves to be bullied or herded into following the current christian leadership. the current leadership is not accurately representing the evangelical christian values voter.

as a result, leadership's credibility is seriously being questioned. in an attempt to forward their agenda, and at the cost of abandoning christian principles and values, these leaders may turn around..and see 'nobody is following'....and may very well lose their relevancy in the process.

UPDATE: a recent article by the 'right wing watch' outlines the perceived predicament of christian leadership.

While many leaders want to endorse fan favorite Mike Huckabee, others are more hesitant. The source informed me that "the dilemma is over whether to choose the preferred candidate of their constituents or go with the pragmatic choice and risk offending our base."

Huckabee's rock star reception at the Value Voters Summit made things more difficult.
Interestingly, the source described a "new pragmatic narrative" that may be forming: "None of the top-tier can beat Hillary anyway so why risk offending the base by snubbing Huckabee?"
Either way, social conservative leaders are in a bind.
"If we don't support Huckabee we tick off religious conservatives," the source lamented. "If we push Huckabee we tick off everyone else. It's a tough situation to be in."

(full article here)

christians, if the above article has any grain of truth to it....WE MUST ACT.

the christian leadership is in a quandary. NOW IS THE TIME TO PUT THE PRESSURE ON! we cannot let them squirm out of this one. we cannot give them an option. THEY FULLY MUST UNDERSTAND what is at stake. we have to get them where it hurts. where they will listen. they must understand in no uncertain terms that they are at HIGH RISK of losing the support of their christian grassroots constituency. this is what they fear. it has got to hurt them more to alienate "us" (their grassroots christian base) than anybody else. we must hold them accountable.

and we MUST COMMUNICATE THIS TO THEM. we must get the message out.....directly and also with our blogs, christian media AND with the MSM. we have got to make them understand what is at risk if they choose to disregard governor huckabee as the christian conservative candidate of choice. the washington briefing spoke volumes as to the true choice of the christian values voter. we cannot allow the enthusiasm, passion and power of that day to be forgotten.

we need to ride them on this one. and we need to do it while the iron is still hot!!! i know it may sound a bit harsh, but it's tough love, folks...if there's a chance we can influence the situation. we must at least try. (over at huck's army, there is a thread on this, as well as a fantastic sample letter, here. also, there is leader and media contact information, here.)

beyond issues of leadership, we, as 'rank and file christians', can contribute greatly to governor huckabee's cause. at a grassroots level, we can hit the ground running, and start doing things within our communities to support and promote governor huckabee.

i believe, the greatest thing we can do for the governor is to GET THE WORD OUT. we need to inform people about governor huckabee. much of it, is name recognition. other candidates have the money to run endless commercials nationally. governor huckabee's campaign does not have that luxury. presently, he has not been able to go nationally...friends, WE MUST GO NATIONALLY FOR HIM. each of us, within our communities can spread the word.

i know, i know....this is a stretch. in fact, just today.. i stretched. it wasn't easy, but i did it. i called into a national christian radio show to ask a question to a well known and respected pastor regarding christians and politics in the gop race. i was scared to death!! but i did it. i did it, because i so strongly believe in governor huckabee and his message. and i realize that without each of us doing our part and 'stretching' a bit, governor huckabee won't get a fair chance or shake.

another BIG stretch: just a couple days ago, chuck norris publicly endorsed governor huckabee. (article here) this was huge!

but what impressed me the most...was that not only did chuck norris write an extensive piece on the how's and why's of endorsing governor huckabee, but he did it unsolicited. apparently, chuck norris has never met governor huckabee. he has been watching, listening, reading, and researching on his own. chuck norris did his homework!! and then he went out on a limb, and publicly endorsed governor huckabee. folks, that takes guts and conviction!

what does chuck norris have to gain? not much. what does he have to lose? probably alot more. but he stepped out in faith...he stepped out on his convictions.....he stretched, big time.
in turn, this will likely embolden many others to do likewise.

friends, we may not be chuck norris, but we can each do our 'own version' of chuck norris. we can each step out in faith...we can each step out on our convictions....we can each stretch...we can each embolden others around us, to do likewise.

blessings to you...

"for God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a strong mind." 2 timothy 1:7

christians for mike huckabee


Monica Clifton said...

What great words!!! I agree 100 % with everything you said. It's so sad because I truly respected all the "religious" leaders up until recently. They have made it very clear that they have their own agendas when it comes to preaching values. Mike Huckabee won't be their puppet!!! Too bad they don't practice what they preach. This is really going to hurt them if they betray the people!

pebspicks said...

thanks, monica!

yes, the 'religious leaders' are losing alot of respect and support from the christian community.

IT IS IMPORTANT WE LET THEM KNOW THIS!! they MUST be held accountable. if we do this, this will DEFINITELY FORCE THEIR HAND, and beat them at their own game....in their minds, "they'll have to choose the lesser of two evils". either lose their own christian base, or let go of their personal political agenda.

it's sad, that we, as their constituency, have to "force them" into doing what is right. but like a child that is wayward, sometimes it takes a firm hand, and consequences to get them to understand.



Teh Geekopedia said...

Great blog entry! You have some really great points, as do all of your other blog entries.

Keep up the good work!

P.S. I love your blogging style. It's informative, inspiring and yet still entertaining. :D